From the Bethany Lutheran Church of Inglis, Manitoba the congregation received a beautiful gothic style altar. A motion was passed at a meeting on 30 December 1956, that all minutes be recorded in English. At an annual meeting on l9 January 1961 the offering envelope system was introduced and this is also the first meeting where the Ladies Aid gave their financial statement. It was under the leadership of Pastor Ducsterhoeft in 1961 that regular council meetings were held. Until this time only annual or special meetings were held. Glenmoor became part of a five point parish in December of 1964 with Pastor Gloeckler as the pastor. A special meeting was called on 11 June 1965 to determine whether Glenmoor members were in favour of closing their church. The majority of the members present were against it, but at the annual meeting on 12 January 1967 it was decided to close the church for February, March and April. In October of 1967, a meeting was called to discuss the future of the Glenmoor Lutheran Church and it was decided to dissolve the congregation as of 10 October 1967. The following are the minutes of the last recorded meeting: “A special meeting of the congregation was held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Glenmoor, at 7:30 RM. on Sunday, Nov. 19, 1967. Meeting was opened by Pastor A. Querengesser reading Phil. 1:3-li and a prayer. Moved by R.F. Otto, seconded by G. Patzer that Dr. Otto Olson Jr. President of the Central Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, be chairman of the meeting. Motion carried. Moved by R.F. Otto, seconded by Martin Zirk; Resolution A. That whereas conditions and circumstances which prompted the organization of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Glenmoor, have changed so that it is no longer feasible nor necessary that the congregation continue as a separate entity, and Whereas the members of the congregation have the opportunity of continuing their participation in the Lutheran Church as members of other congregations, Therefore be it resolved 1) That Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Glenmoor, discontinue its activity as a congregation and disband, 2) That members of the congregation be offered the opportunity to transfer to the congregation of their choice, and be advised that the transfer should be completed before Dec. 31, 1967, and 3) That with the consent of the Central Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America (a) The Church building be advertised for sale, and (b) The church furnishings be offered as gifts as follows: 1. The church pews to Trinity Lutheran Church, Thalberg 2. The hymnals, one-half to Trinity Lutheran Church, Thalberg and one-half to St. Johns Lutheran Church, Greenwald 3. The organ to St.. Johns Lutheran Church, Green- wald, and 4. The lectern and baptismal font to the Lutherans who are organizing a congregation at Pinawa, Manitoba. 84 (c) That any cash assets of the congregation which remain after the disposition of the property and payment of obligations to the congregation be divided between the two congregations to which most of the members will be ; transferring, with 90% being given to Trinity Lutheran Church in Thalberg and 10% to St. Johns Lutheran Church in Greenwald, (d) That the present members of the church council - namely Herman B. Zirk, Martin Zirk, August Hem~ 1 minger, Edward Schnellert. and Raymond Schwark - be named as trustees of the congregation and authorized and instructed to make disposition of any and all property of the congregation for which provision has not specifically been made by the congregation in the series of resolution ,2 including the disposition of any item offered for use by 1 another congregation which is not accepted by that congregation. Motion carried. Resolution B. (l) Moved by H.B. Zirk, seconded by Paul Otto that s x...t."«."..' two stacking chairs be offered for sale to each family of i, the congregation as a remembrance at 50¢ each. Motion carried. (2) Moved by Edward Schnellert, seconded by John Otto that: In accordance with Article 111, Section 8 of the 5%: Approved Constitution for Congregations of the Lutheran Church in America, which provides that if the congregation disbands the synod and control of all property of the congregation and thereafter to hold, manage and convey the same at the discretion of the synod” be it resolved that the parcel of land known and described as follows on the Manitoba Certificate of Title No. 774870, “the most Northerly one hundred and four feet in width of the most Westerly four hundred and sixteen feet in depth of the most Easterly nine hundred and ninetyeix feet in depth of the North- East quarter of Section 27 in the Fifteenth Towuship and Eighth Range, East of the Principle Meridian, in Manitoba” be tranferred to the Central Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America. Motion carried. Moved by August Hemminger seconded by Paul Otto that the Synod be requested to convey this parcel of land to the farm from which it was taken, without cost to the , owner. Motion Carried. Moved by Wm. Zirk, seconded by R.F. Otto that the ? trustees be asked to investigate the possibility of closing the cemetery and given power to act. Motion carried. Adjournment moved by John Zirk. In 1967, among the first duties of Pastor Querengesser was that of officially closing and dissolving the congregation. The church was sold to the Brightstone Huttcrite Colony for $950. It is still in use in a slightly altered condition (it no longer has a steeple) as their church. In 1980 the two graves in the cemetery were transferred to Thalherg. Today, only one of the original families from the time of the organization of the congregation still lives in the district. It is interesting to note that the first four baptisms in the church which were Karen Schnellert, Gloria l-lem- minger, Linda Schnellert and Deborah Zirk also made up the last confirmation class in the GlenmoorChurch in July 1966. to which the congregation belongs “shall have the right to take charge 5;