V ‘93:;th Rasgnager twig-med I‘mm Ihe parish in (HIKE? Io amepm dflafl fmm SI. 92mm cangzggmiun {If Leamjngmn, QnIaI‘im in ,Nmemhez‘ 19M, OII I SEIIIEIIIIBEF I98I Pamm Rossnagel I‘EIII‘IIII. The RIISIIIIIIgei’: IN) chiI dram AIIIIIII: and Eiizabefih are gmduatm {It the WesteIII Univerzin Df Landon“ {Jaimie Arthur 15 new iII‘IerIIiIIg in Tammie: as a mfldicai grafiuate and EH? abem recaiveed 5061” BA with hammrs III me Spring 1982. mm; acaiizzm. Pm! armerI: Ragsnagfii A 1}}!!! amiEII'zafIém. PASTQR NECKGLAE GLQEILELEJR 18994973 ’ Rev. Nickciai Glaecklat, Ihe mm m" Friadrich ,. Geckler II‘IIII Raehsl :wa Eagawgkia was beam on 16 gaptembar 1899111 Crimea. His IIIIIIEI wag the QWIIIEI‘ of a rgc 25mm 10(23ch in IIII pai‘iSiI III” Bytfin whim IIII: laeckler £3111in had been iIII'IueIItiaI in Ilia: building {If a gaIIIifuI hugzz chm h In, 13910. and in the ereaIion of the Dme fear the druggist and doctor which Friedrich .xioeckler wag ahle to 33mm for I'hfi' COIl’imHIIIEyI PasmI _}@ECKI&T was mnfirmed III}: 133:5:on Karl Arthur Harman, ghaservfldflthig pariah frgam. 1912‘ IIIIIII his aI'I‘esII by than glishgvicks an 3- February 1930; This gifIIICI preachuar and (Impaggicname .‘I‘Seeilsorgar” was Ihe‘ first; and (me {If the mm ImmeIIII’I, influmces which avemuafly 1&5? Pagmr fiackler £an IIII: ministry at“ IIIII‘ LIIIIIeIaII Church, @1815}? (ileeckier break his: eWmafiiafifinxCrimm: and. faéuatad in law I’mm the UIIiVSI‘IIiI}? 0f Simfgmpal; Crimeawas “me-last martian 0f sauthem Russia,,II3 fall ‘ _ . Id. me hands ofihe communists and 3c: itwaS spaIifid-fuf. , me yeazsmmany Sf the» IIImIIIIIIas perpetIaIedVIIy-xmm ; » Ime Maugham Russia. Then in {In 1am EWGS II: we, 1' and Crimsa wag IIIIIIIged Into a blues! ‘0th Pasta: 3 IQIEQMGI”,.WEIS able {CI aampagfmmt rimea {IIIE IIIIIy} migrams Hes” II‘II came Iii SpaIdIIIIz, SasKIIIIIIIIewIIII when; i115? wag employfid aa a farm IIIIJQIII’EI. - In €313? 1932, he enrolled in Ihe LIuIIIeI‘an SeIIIiIIIIry in, Saskata (III Three yams Igtgr III: gmduatad with II Bachelm (II Divinity! degree: anti was IIIISII Iainujl II}; the" ‘ Manimba Sysmd an I4 .Iuiy 1935 at IIIIZIIIIIIIIJ, Albana. A IIIIII and two days. Eater, ha maIIIeé Ema ScImlar in Lusalandk Sask. Pasta? Akxandar Walfmm officiated III the service. me 15335 IIIIIII ’19-’43 III-"III GlawkIar was; the pasta: 015 III: Hines Creek parish III the Paws: River Country emf” XIIIIIEIem AIIIIIIM; than IIII? EIIIIIIIIIII Emmett £511;ng paIish III the WEEIEOSR Iiistrict of AIbarta IIIIIiI {943‘ FI'IIIII 1948 unIiI 1952‘. he wag pasta: £th 111% RQHE’X’IIEW‘ parigh Wham he directed the building {If a fiIII‘: mew- cImrcII, The Iaying (If tin? cmnersmne of Ihe new St. Fania: LtherIIn Church (Imurrad can 15 May 1234’; and the CIIIIICII was dedicazed III: 6 NeveITIbeI, Emm RQIIyVIew ha was; caIIed Tm 1W: 36:21th EIbIIIIIne and Quinmn parighes _ in SaskaIchewaII, Wham he ministerefi I‘m Six yearflg Thea”: Mamimba beckaned; he was caIIed w thE H013; Crass, GOMEI’I Bay and SI. Paulsq Green Bay mngregatiam. Shm‘IIy‘ after IIIS arrivajl, he also IfiOI-i aver the IniI’IiS‘tIy of - the: mmvegamns at GEEIIIIIGUI‘ Greenwald am“? TIIaIIIerg. In 196% Paamf Glmeckler mgigmd flaxm this Beameinur RuIaI IIIIII emu IIIIIII II and rammed III Sasha: uhfiwan to bcmm: IIII: paEI‘OT of SI; Paula:- Lthemn Church In Ragina, a Eat-3B mngragation whom pariahimerg had immigrach m IIIIII min; after Warm War II. In 19%}, he named back ILQ AIIIEIIEI where he sawed: III: DaIuII‘I, Hear EmmheIleI, He I‘flfifflfi In IWE {E} Kemwna Whfl'fi? he residIIII IIIIIII his daath (In I? Juiy I973 III III? age , of ’33.» , Pasha; mid Mrs. Géaaficfiiw, amend 1526-23: