and subsequently Pastor Meinecke organized the Im— manuel congregation of Glenmoor. During Pastor Winter’s ministry, services were conducted in the Libau school for the residents of that district of Lithuanian background. Pastor Rossnagel was the last resident minister of the Thalberg, Greenwald, Glenmoor parish. After his departure in 1964 these congregations decided to become part of a parish which already included the Golden Bay and Green Bay congregations being served by Pastor Nickoli Gloeckler, a resident of Beausejour. The congregation had no further use for the parsonage and it was eventually sold to Mike Tymchuk who moved it to his farm along the 317 Highway. The property surrounding the former parsonage was then sold to Albert Zirlt.

The 50th Anniversary of the church was celebrated on Sunday, 11 June 1967 with the synod president, Dr. Olson conducting the service assisted by Pastor Buehler who had ministered to the congregation from 1927 to 1931. At the 60th anniversary celebration Dr. Olson’s successor, Rev. G.W. Luetkehoelter, participated in the service along with the present pastor, Rev. Peter Stiller.

During the years various improvements and alterations to the church property have been made. In 1952 elec- tricity was put in, the interior of the church was redone and consideration was given to the possibility of putting a basement under the structure. Various estimates were secured but eventually the plans were shelved when costs were found to be in the range of $4000. An oil furnace replaced the wood stove in 1956. In 1973 an electric organ was purchased and in 1976 the windows were replaced and the church was carpeted with money willed to the church by Mrs. Elsie Boutin.

In spring 1978 a basement was dug beside the church, and the building was moved onto it. The entrance was widened to give additional space. The basement was completely finished with washrooms, a council room and a fully modern kitchen. A well was dug and water works were installed at this time. A wide step was built from which three walkways lead to the west, east and south of the church. On 19 August a special Service of Celebration was held to dedicate the church on its new location. Bishop Luetkehoelter was the guest speaker.

In 1980 the church building was fully insulated and new siding was installed. A glass cabinet was constructed in the basement to hold all of the altar crosses and candlesticks used in the church since its beginning. The same year the old school house which had stood on the church yard for many years was sold for $4500 and moved away. The interior of the church, including the chancel and the balcony, was renovated in 1982 and a new carpet was installed. On 20 June 1982 the remodelled church was dedicated to the glory of God at the morning service with 300 people in attendance. Former Pastor Alvin Querengesser preached on the theme "I Will Make You a Blessing”. 1n the afternoon Pastor Peter Stiller preached in German on “A Day of.Remembrance and Praise”. The German newspaper Kannda Kurier (for- merly Der Nordwesten) carried an article about this celebration which featured the picture it had used 65

years before with the story of the original dedication of '

the church. , _ .


Pastor Stiller on car “hearing ”!

Moving the church.

Thalberg Church on new fermion, [982.

Trinity church has two cemeteries. The old church j cemetery is located on Adolph Patzer’s property about ;