Rivers’ birth; at Windsor, Ont, for John Solimka who, just a. month earlier had returned to local scenes and celebrated with his life—partner the golden jubilee of their wedding beneath the roof of the home they had occupied here for more than three decades; for Peter Luchuk whose retirement from railroading had been hastened by ill-health; for Mrs. W. G. Thomas, who had first called Rivers ‘home’ in 1910.


OTICE of motion to rescind a two—month-old resolu- 1 tion concerning reserve fund monies earmarked for

water and sewage, given at the initial 1949 council meeting, preceded by several days a. special forumthat saw civic chamber decorum explode when Acting—Mayor R. G. Sinclair announced the sale of rink debentures which, some members declared, should have been offered to ratepayers: Mr. Sinclair accepted full responsibility for the transaction. A fortnight later, Chief Magistrate Grant returned from a. three-month leave of absence and upheld the debenture sale while expressing the doubt that $21,000 would complete the rink—building. Higher taxes were foreseen % a matter quali— fied by municipal assessor C. L. Thring, toward the end of that same twelvemonth: taxes increased as needs grew. In October, the fund overepeiit and in need of a. further $4,000, retiring Mayor Grant observed: “. . . .It would be a. disaster if we stopped building now. The rink has cost more. . .than the wildest imagination.” His final act was to see consummated a. resolution relative to using monies from the town’s general fund in completing the project. "

. The passing months brought other council‘considera— tlons such as the twenty—seven years’ services given by teamster John Stevenson (deserving of a small pension), his grey equine aides (“Kate and Nance need feed and the fodder supply iS‘lelS than zero”: they should be put out to pasture), entering into an agreement with W. McLaren regarding garbage collection ($2,400 for the balance of the year and a. $5,040 contract for the next term); and relative to Outsiders seeking locations in the art of photography and food catering, granting a. school playground area between Sixth and Seventh avenues, reviewing the annual problem of dogs-at—