A Message From the Mumcupallty 0F Daly As any parents might greet the anniversary 1 of their shildren, ‘fMother Daly” salutes the community . to which she gave birth— the Town of Rivers — at this _ Golden Jubilee time. . It was Daly Municipality that nurtured Rivers to village—hood. From the start, what influenced Rivers " also affected its rural parent: together, over the years, ,. the two corporations have shared innumerable problems f and many happy occasions. , And it is both pleasure and privilege, as Reeve of the Rural Municipality of Daly — a. post held in turn by ‘ James Pettit, James Browning, Richard Graham, W A - .Walker, W. J. Sargent, .1. C. Cousins Walter Chisholm, ~ J. R. W. Shanks :N. W. Robins, J. W. Seater, Thomas Seens and G. L. Davies —— to extend congratulations and : good wishes to citizens of Rivers, past- and present, as they rel—unite in their old “Home-Town” this year of. grace 1963. A. T. CHA?MAN Reeve. ' ‘