”Comer F. T. Whiteway arrived to take Oven 21. loo0motive foremanshlp and Company plans were made to remove the sixty—foot high smokestack landmark above the roundhouee . . . .Yet therailway recognized that godd things did come out of Rivers, for native-born Robert H; Tivy was named Mari- time region assistant superintendent «o:- The same fifth-decade year was accompanied by problems not unlike those existing fifty years before (dog- control, policing and scholastic needs). It marked the end of journeyings for early inhabitants Mrs. , Wilfred Parsons (Annie Brown) at McGraw, N.Y.; for septuagenarians Garfield Ferguson (one of Rivers’ first five bombers) at Nakina, Ont, Arthur W. Johnson (ex~railroa.der and former councillor) in Winnipeg, T. R. Grieve (one—time clothier) at Campbell River, B.C.; for octogenarian James Glufi. It brought to McKenzie’s, this community’s original business enterprise (now in its fourth generation) a half-century—of—eervioe‘celebration; it witnessed the premiere installation of natural gas at the home of Thomas McKenzie (no connection with‘ the firm—name previously mentioned) and thequalifying-of Pte. W. L. Cowell (EUR) 38 the Canadian Joint Air Training Centre’s 10,000th paratrooper —— the twelvemonth that saw’constmotion begin on a new Canadian Legion hall, an IGA Supermarket and‘an United Grain Growers elevator, renovation of the Alexandra hotel (wherein the third storey was removed), presentation to town and district of a. Kiwanis club ambulance, a two-hour Airport visit of Hollywood's Charles Laughton, appointment of (ex—Councillor James Hesse! to a newly—created works department post and the subsequent election of Mrs. J. A. Gilchrist as this town’s first woman representative at. the civic table, along with the new faces of M. K. Shannon and Dr. John Zmetana. E . The half—century point in this obmmunity’s history saw recorded a repetition of earlier departures relative to education when temporary classes were held in a. remodelled United church — and a memorable event in scholastic annals with the oeremonious September 20 opening of Rivers Collegiate as Ivy Miners’ Day (in honor of the local teaching staff member who now retired from thirty—vsix—anda—half terms of duty) : into the presence of provincial premier D. L. Campbell, Nick Mandziuk MP, M. R. Sutherland MLA, Commanding Ofiieer Group Capt. R. 0. Shaw and other CJATC officials, Rivers—born Anglican church rector Denis Roberts together with second—generation (ax-pupils, Miss 151