mortgage amounted to 92 per cent} brought a council motion of censure on the local purveyor of news (who, the resolution read, “should refrain from printing gossip off the street as actual fact”). The publisher replied: “A recent attempt to muzzle the Gazette signally failed: it stands for public welfare and is not easily silenced. . .The Gazette did not make the statement as complained of (but) it isn’t too hard to under— stand how Councillor—-, the mover, made the mistake, as he would have to beg, borrow, or steal a Gazette to read What it really did say.” - ' , .

The newspaper columns were ‘then given over to recording the first annual Sons of England ball, the appoint- ment of J. E. Thompson as McLaughlin oar agent, non— appearance of a. promised post office, dissolution of the O’Brien & Wareham partnership, popularity of snowshoe parties among young townsfolk and the growing fame of C. H. Payne as a dog-fancier —— while various council committees discussed the need of a town barn and some horses to put in. it, giving notice to the present garbage- eolleetor and advertising for another, bfiok-veneering the fireball and installing water-reservoirs at strategic locations, matters relative to drainage and a. clean-up plus law-guardian appointments with civic-table iresoindings aplenty.»But it was .a' sidewalk program that brought forth citizenry criticism ‘— and petitions.

Such the interim when an early Sunday morning fire {noticed by ‘a ' lard-engine crew) sent the brigade racing to the OIth'estab shment where the barber shop was ablaze and the family above slept: the flames were subdued, although the chemical engine proved useless; fire chief E. J. EDI-man resigned, his place being taken by A. J. Bisho . This the time in which Mayor Jonason was made bereft the death of his wife in a. city hospital, the same week that marked the passing in Rivers of 91—year—old Thomas Cousins who became the district’s. first pioneer to be buried from St. James’ church.

Spring began on a political note: “A fine state of affairs,” commented the local publisher. “Farcieal proceed- ings,” declared a letter-writer concerning a Liberal-Conservat- ive meeting which (according to two varying reports) saw. both J. A. Grummett and the Rev. S. D. Thomas named

resident ~— 21. season when the last—named turned statistical ong enough to let local newspaper readers know that during his sojourn here he had married 36 couple, officiated at 27 funerals, and baptised 62 children and eight adults; it stared ed evangelisfioally, as the Revs H. H. Gilbert and A. S. Kellie descended on the community with theand—bflmstone heraldings; it witnessed acquisition of the Moxley block by