MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1956 M New Goulter School built. Ten rooms, with auditorium.
1957 — RR. Partridge appointed prinm'pal of Collegiate. Fencing at new Goulter School costs $5,500.
1958 — Renovation of Commercial Room at Collegiate, and extension of waterworks to the Collegiate (costs $19,900). Science lab renovated and im- proved at cost of $3,605.
1959 — Fort La Bosse School Division No 41 established and second- ary grades transferred from elementary system as of March 31, 1959. Colle- giate properties were taken over for consideration of $22,000.
Heating system in Public School updated and converted to oil at cost of: $5,600.
Transportation costs were 60 cents per pupil per day.
1960 ~— Class for Mentally Retarded set up with first teacher being Mrs. Margaret Hughes. This was the Educable Group.
New fence at Public School erected at cost of $3,650r
Teacherage was renovated.
1961 —- Town was approached re possibility of including a tract of land in what was to become the Sherwood area for the purposes of building a future school (nothing came of this}.
1962 — In the fall, the Cuisinaire Method was introduced in Grade I level. This was to continue on through grade III. New teachers being hired for Grade I were expected to have had instruction in the Cuisinaire method.
1963 — “Mary Montgomery Day” was a highlight. Observed June 23. To honor Miss Montgomery, Virden Public School was named ”Mary Montgomery School”. Miss Montgomery's forty years of service in Virden and ten years of previous service is an outstanding, even unique, accomplishment.
Negotiations with Indians Affairs Branch permitted 20 pupils to at~ tend Virden schools from. the Oak Lake Reserve at Pipestone. This marked the beginning of integration of Indian children into our public school system.
Enrolments continued to increase, and Board foresaw need of more classroom space in the near future. There was the possibility that all non- resident pupils now attending Virden schools would have to be éenied enrol. ment in 1964.
Late in year considerable interest was indicated to have a number of small rural districts consolidate with Virden S‘D.
Possible land sites were investigated for a new school, and the town was made an offer of $500 for title to part of Block 135 where the junior high school now stands.
1964 — Delegation of Buckingham, Godolphin and Yushchyshyn met with Town Council re the purchase of this tract of land for school purposes. An option to purchased was signed later.
Enrolment of Indian students increased to 30.
Negotiations began re the purchase of the small Tech. school by
Vfrden Review 1958 - 1970 729