Bjarni Kristianson and his wife Neli (Livingstone).

Eleanor: born in Ochre River in 1930. She mar- n'ed Lewis Blackshaw of Ochre River. They have four daughters, Sharyn, Valerie, Evelyn and Judy and two sons Bob and Dean.

Walter: born in 1933 at Ochre River. He married Janice Melnyk of Pine Falls.

Carl: born in 1935 at Ochre River. He married Linda Ash of Ochre River. They have one married daughter, Sheila, also Glen and Deanna. A daughter, Holly, died at the age of six in 1969.

Floyd: born in 1939 at Ochre River. He married Lois Copeland of Ochre River. They have two daugh— ters, Della and Karen.

Jerry: born in 1942 at Ochre River. He married Manda Boles. They have one son, Brett and a daugh- ter, Brenda.

Leonard was born in 1944 at Ochre River. He married Gail Waite of Ste. Rose. They have one son Darrell and a daughter Cheryl.

Finnley: born in 1949 at Ochre River. He married Dyanne Blair, also of Ochre River. They have one son Kris.

Bjami passed away in Ste. Rose in 1974. Nellie still resides on the home farm where she can be close to most of her children and grandchildren.

Herbert and Gudrun Mailman

Fond Memories —— by Ethel (Mailman) Johnson I will begin by giving a brief history of my

paternal and maternal grandparents before corn-

mencing the story of my parents.


Herb and Fluna Mailman in the 20’s.

My paternal grandfather John Albert Mailman married Margaret Holder they lived in St. John, New Brunswick. They were descendants of the United Empire Loyalists. They had a family of eight children but only six children reached maturity. Two died in early infancy —— while another two (men) died in young adulthood. My Dad, Herbert John was the eldest child and was born in 1883 and at the age of twenty-one came to western Canada (1904). His fa- ther and him were in the shipbuilding business and as steel ships were rcplacing the wooden ships their jobs were terminated— this along with a desire to see the west induced my Dad to move to Manitoba.

My maternal grandparents, Thorvaldur Kristjan- son married Gudlaug Bjornson in Canada. They mi~ grated in the year 1893 from Iceland and settled in the Ames, Manitoba area. They had a family of eight —— two boys and 5 girls born in Ames, Gertie being born at the Narrows. From Amos they moved and lived for a short period of time at the Narrows, then to Asham Point in 1909 and homesteaded and spent the remainder of their life there. My mother Gudrun (Rune) was the oldest and at an early age ventured to 1ilVinnipeg to earn a living. -

Winnipeg! This was the place where my father Herbert Mailman and my mother Runa Kristjanson met. They were married June 1911. My father got a job as contractor and lather however after two years mother convinced Dad that ranching was more