Winnipeg General Index
Agriculture .................. 142, 295, 296 ‘ Deaf and Dumb Institute ....... 316 Armstrong’s Point ......... 86, 141, 145 .. General ....................... 13, 18,197 Bergen Siding ................................ 62 Primary Schools .............. 119, 159 Buildings 21, 53, 73, 81, 94, 97, 157, Private Schools.98, 106, 107, 108, 158, 159, 161, 163, 16A, 168, 224, _ , 154, 244 E 249, 250, 231, 282, 324 ' School Dis’m'éts Business ------ 114: 135: 142: 1,95: 211: North Kfldonan ....................... 188 1‘1 249’ 250’ 283’ 293’ 311’ 318’ 3:: St. lam‘es—Assinibqia ............... 235 C arity .......................................... Transcona-Springfield ....185, 242 Charleswood ................................. 65 W' . h rches mmpeg .................................. 40 , C :11 l‘ """ 562030313568 Secondmy Schools .............. 46, 82 QICOIL-t I I 1‘ l .r ,r 3 69, 70, 101’ 165, 167, St. Charles School 303 f 133, 204, 234, 240, 261 University-~- 14. 33. 52. 61. 76, 95. ,
149, 184, 232, 295, 296, 298
Church of the Visitation ........,214 _ _ Church of the Way ______________ 270 Vlcltonfl—Al-bert ....... T ................ 146 Congregational ...... 90 Elect-rm nghtmg ............................ 28 Elm Chapel ............................ 176 3th Wm?" Greek Orthodox ...................... 166 3919“” """"""""""""""""" 45' 54 Lutheran .............................. 288 Dutch 55 Methodist ................ 4, 4s, 90, 300 v :0“ “‘11:?“ ”’212223 260: - -. ranco— ,amo an. , , , , Presbytenan ..... 88, 127, 126;}; 127555; 64, 124’ 202’ 203’ 207’ 212’ ’ 225, 248, 252, 253, 254, Roman Catholiizég...i:;, £2, :3. 299, 309, 310, 331 203:, 20‘}! 213:, 228: ”German ................................... 283 St Stephen’s ......................... 264 Icelandic ......................... 109, 230 St. Vladimir and St. 0190 ....... 266 Met13 ............... 115, 153, 191, 251 Ukrainian Orthodox ““““ 262, 263, Naux're ..................................... 191 294 Scottlsh .................... 208, 233, 289 United 11' 37' 47. 79' so, 90’ 118, Swiss ....................................... ' ...42 128, 129, 190, 216, 218, 219, Ukrainian.78, 131, 132, 155, 166, 245, 260, 275, 276, 300, 306 173, 174, 192, 256, 262, 263, 266, Clubs 19, 45, 54, ,71, 7s, 87, 201, 215 290’ 291: 292: 293: 294 East Kfldonan .............................. 118 Fire 9913011311911" -------------------- 24. 137 Education Port Douglas .............. 29, 32, 96, 178 Colleges ...... 14, 22, 36, 48, 7o, 95, Fort Garry ................................ 29, 43 ,. 126, 136, 2.12, 227, 256 Fort Garry, Lower .................. 96, 178 :-