. Dyck, Betty 1.. Hugging the Meridian: Macdonaid, A Manitoba Municipal Histaw, 1881-1981. Sanford: Rural Municipality of Macdonald, 1981. 388 pp. illus., maps.
.: *MHS; MW; we; MWPL; MWU; MWUC.
. Dyck, I. P. Dds 25-Iahrige lubiiaum der Springstein Mennonitengemeinde 1938-1963. Altona: D. W. Ffiesen and Sons, 1963. 60 pp.
. Dyck, I. P. et 01. 171mg}: the Gateway to Yesteryear. Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg, 1981. 50 pp.
.: MWP; MWU. ‘
. Dyck, I. 1., John A. Neufeldt and Peter A. Neufeldt. (Comps) A. C. Neufieldt Family 1772-1977. The Compilers, 156 pp.
. Early Settlers of Woodlea, Now Ingelow 1875-1983. '1 983.
. Early Ukrainian Impn'nts and Other Items of Interest firm the Inventory of Winnipeg Music Supply: Catalog No. 6. Winnipeg: Ethnicity Books, 1983. 7 pp
.: MWP. .
. East End Community Centre. From Frozen Ponds: East End Community Centre. Brandon: Star Printing, 1982.
.: MBW. . .
. East Selkirk. East Selkirk, Manitoba. 14 pp. Map on back of pamphlet.
.: MWP. -
. Ebenezer Verein. 50 Years Ebenezer Verein Organization 19364986.
Steinbach: Ebenezer Verein, 1987 64 pp. .
. Ebor Women’ 3 Institute. Ebor Echoes, 1885-1970. Ebor. The Institute, 1970. 70 pp. illus.
.: MWP.
. Eddystone and District Historical Committee. Patience Pride and Progress — Eddystone, Manitoba. Eddystone: The Committee, 1983. 508 pp. illus. ., maps.
.: WP; MWPL; MWU. ‘
Eden-Bimie History Book Committee. East of the Mountains: Eden- Bimie Story: Wards 2 and 5, Rural Municipality ofRosedale, Manitoba, 1877-1984. Neepawa: The Committee, 1984. 240 pp. illus.
.: MW; MWP; MWPL; MWUC. . Eidse, Lenore. (Ed) Farrows in the Valley: A Centennial Project of the Rural Murficipaligl of Moms 1 880-1 980:1! History of the Municipality and Its
People. [Morris]: Morris History Book Committee, 1980 891 pp. illus" ports.
.: MW; MWP.