SWAII. ICE COMPANY —— Omand’s Creek

Many people know that ice was made at Omand’s Creek by the David Swail lce Company. Mr. Swall’s daughter Eleanor contributed family photos and an explanation of the ice conveyor system. She notes that the company used only city water for its ice. NOT river water!

Swat! Ice Co. Conveyor System Photos: Eleanor Swail Dines

Upper Left:

lce Slide on south side of Portage Avenue

The ice slides down and under the bridge over Omand’s Creek. The ice pond is the present site of the baseball diamond.

Lower Left:

Conveyor belt picks up blocks of ice on north side of Portage Avenue and then shunts them over to one of the two ice houses (present site of Rae & Jerry’s).

Betow: David Swail Ice Wagon, 19303 “Made from City Water".

.. via “‘90-‘4er

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