Hospitals Stonewall Hospital submitted by Alice Dawson In March 1942 the Municipal Doctor Scheme was brought forward to the ratepayers and was carried by a good majority. At this time, Dr. Evelyn had his office in the Bank of Commerce building and from this small, inadequate space he carried on his ser- vices. His receptionist Mrs. Mary Philion was most efficient and at all times tried to ease the load of the doctor. Very soon, the citizens decided it was time to create better facilities for the doctor. By now nursing homes were going out of business so it was necessary to concentrate on better facilities. Many meetings were held between Rockwood and Stonewall Councils. On October 20th, 1950 a vote was taken on a By—Law to build a hospital at a cost of $69,000.00. This By—Law passed 71% in favor. The site chosen for the hosnital was the famil~ iar cricket field. The Department of Health approved a committee with members from both Rockwood and Stonewall councils. The members of the board were: Mr. J. W. Lindsay — Chairman, Mr. B. T. Dawson — Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Hugh Appleyard, Mr. Oscar Buckle, Mr. Jack Inkster, Mr. Ed Mills, Mr. W. J. Stewart. First Board of Stonewall Hospital. Back Row, L to R: Jack lnkster, Dr. Evelyn, Oscar Buckle, Ben Dawson. Ed Mills. Front Row: Bill Stewart. Jim Lindsay. Hugh Appleyard. MS The hospital was completed at cost plus $14,» 000.00 for additional equipment. Most of the equip- ment was paid through donations from interested citizens and a $3,000.00 gift from Manitoba Pool elevators. This eight bed hospital consisted of semi private wards, a maternity station, physician offices, facilities for dental offices and a full Health Unit. One of the most outstanding events in the history of Stonewall and district took place Tuesday, March 11th, 1952 when the Rockwood-Stonewall Medical Unit 2613 was officially opened. Rev. Maurice Hard- man dedicated this new building and at long last a dream had come true to provide suitable accom- modations for our medical doctor and staff. On March 17th. 1952 the hospital officially accepted patients. In charge of this unit were D1: W. F. Evelyn hospital director and physician, Receptionist Mrs. M. Philion, Matron Miss Eleanor May, assistant matron Miss S. Jardine, Miss Helen Vogt practical nurse, Miss Emily Yanklsh, maid and Mrs. B . Mills, cook. The first patient registered at the hospital was Mrs. M. .l. Watts and the first baby was a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Torn Lindley, Grassmere. As early as l950 guilds were formed to carry out the needs of the hospital. The first executive was Honorary President —— Mrs. W. F. Evelyn and Mrs. W. Montgomery, President ~— Mrs. Val Costello, Secretary-Treasurer——-Mrs. Ian Kennedy. More anx— iliaries were formed in Argyle, Balmoral and Stony Mountain. In 1951 a purchasing committee was chosen from the different auxiliaries to buy linens and supplies for the operating room namely —~ Mrs. Ethel Lindsay — Argyle, Mrs. Velma Slater -- Balmoral, Mrs. De Wittw Stony Mountain , Mrs. Florence Campbell «- Stonewall and Mrs. J. Saundry Coordinator. Groups of volunteer ladies carried on the mend— ing and sewing for the next twenty five years. The auxiliary members received credit for their volunteer hours. The auxiliaries have a three fold purpose: (1)