Edwin, the fifth son was born in 1905 and was raised in Balmoral and Winnipeg. He became inter- ested very early in radio and electronics, and soon was in the electrical supply business. He married Anne Snaith and had two children, Douglas and Cathy and now have several grandchildren. They moved to Montreal after the war and Ed set up his own electronics company which he still operates. He and Anne still live in Montreal. Lillian, the only girl was born in 1907. Due to the death of her mother at an early age she spent much of her younger years with relatives in Ontario and Man- itoba and later with her step-mother in Winnipeg. She worked in Winnipeg after schooling for some years and then married Eric Smeaton. They moved to Victoria where their daughter Bonnie spent her child- hood and is now married with two children. Liliian’s husband Eric died a few years ago and her own health has been somewhat of a hardship for her the past couple of years. Frederick Sager submitted by L. T. McKnight Balmoral Fred Sager was born in 1874 and came to the Balmoral area from St. Catherines, Ont. in the early Fred Sager. May, 1942. 1900’s. He purchased approximately nine acres in Balmoral and in 1914, built the house that is presently owned by Mr. Gib West. Mr. Sager commuted to Winnipeg to work for an automobile dealer owned by Joseph Maw. He did clerical work and was later a timekeeper for various companies. In 1942, Mr. Sager was accidentally killed in an automobile accident in Estevan, Sas— katchewan. 339 Ed and Lois Sawyer SE 16-13-113 submitted by Audrey Gibbons The Sawyers moved from North Dakota US .A. to the Grassmere district in 1899 and settled on SE 16-13-1E now known as the Charles Houghton farm. Their family consisted of Blanche, (who was 16 yrs. when she came to Manitoba), Raymond, George, Leonard and Charlie. Blanche later became Mrs. Thomhill Stewart. They were married on Dec. 7th, 1904 at home. Fifty years later on Dec. 7th, 1954 Vera Houghton’s mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Becker celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in that same house. Mrs. Sawyer and all their family passed away in their early 60’s, except Mr. Sawyer who lived to be 89. The Sawyers eventually settled at Gilbert Plains, Manitoba where they farmed. Hubert and Mary Schaeffer Hubert J. Schaeffer was born at Humboldt, Sas~ katchewan on April 29, 1907 , the son of Godfrey and Margaret Schaefer, who had a family of six boys and five girls. They moved to Handel, Saskatchewan in 1912 where Hubert’s father operated a general store. Hubert took his schooling at Gamble School in the country and later at Handel School. His father had accumulated farm land and when he died in 1924 he left each son a quarter section of grain land. Their mother carried on the store for a year and then did part-time sewing. Hubert did carpenter work at Handel and rented out his quarter section. After that with his brothers Joe, Fred and Frank, they operated a saw mill at Prince Rupert, B.C. while their mother kept house for them there. In 1927 Hubert and Frank came back to Handel and bought the pool room and dance hall which they operated. Their brother John came to Rockwood Municipality in 1932 to farm. On Aprii 25, 1935 Hubert married Mary Scher- man who was born at Handel July 21, 1913, the daughter of John and Mary Scherrnan. The iatter's family included one son and three daughters. Hubert and Mary rented a farm with buildings and farmed it along with his own quarter, but Saskatchewan was one vast dust bowl at the time and there were no crops in that area. He earlier had been offered $4,000 for his quarter, but by now he would sell it for three horses, however there were no buyers. Hubert finally sold it for one horse, a rake, and wagon, valued in total at $200. Their first child, Jerome, was born on January 16, 1936 at Handel, followed by their son Ronald on September 11, 1937, just three weeks before they moved to Manitoba. The government gave assistance