'- Roll of Honour

Local Bays from the Arrow Riveram Mluioia Districts who enlisted in the sewioes

This List ls uni: necessarily complete

This list maybe incomplete 157,4- 1313

Anderson. Duncan _ ‘As mall, Gaurge , Ay ward. William ' Baker. Ernest A. 31mm, " Baalty,.AEllan

, Barr (7.

Burma's. George *

Elliott, J. W 'Evans_. J55. L

Farthing, Charles :3 I

Fleming. C.

Fleming-1 . , “Geri-and, Thomas.’ ' Goodleliuw. . g .

. Graves, A. E; '- , Hamilmn. Hugh

all, A. . Hurlin, William H. . Hyde, Fred.» ' . '

Iransides. J. 1 , isles. Percy J. . ' Jenni s Johns’i‘gn'fi. Joliey.Roberl _ . ‘angs,Wi11ilarJi" V

Kerr. William T , Kiri ' _'

“Kiloh‘J. ' Klrkbrid c. J.

,-m.m. H.119"? >- .

hammer. Fear , ,' Lee, J.‘ - E2. 40M.

’i mg,w Hire L'Irkins; William


Mason. Charles» ' McAnnei-on. F. McChe tie. Alex

Y ~ * MaChayna, Rumrt

Mcqmney , J aim McKenu. A1“ _. McKee, John

Middleton. Jnhn

Montgomery. Boberl "' Mun: haw J. R

MM”! Myres, Rowley B.

‘Nm-rie. GI, Norrie. J. .

Olive Reflgimld . '. Ortt William

*owen. ’i‘ayiorii

Parker, Elmer '

Pickard, John 3

Pilkey. Melville --

Prescott. Sydney .

Rauay, Arthur P. Rm. Thcmas Ewan, Gauge,-

Salier. Harry I Scott, William J. Sc 5. A. . Scull, Pickering ‘Seeley, Edward Sinclair, Donald Sippetts Ham '

game an

. evens,Jamas strange. Joaph' ' TaYlor. Willilm' " Teal: F. _ ~ 'rhurpe Arthur Thorpe:Rath . j Thorpe. Robert .‘Tindnl. S. mienJolm

. Wanna. S. . Wallace. W. H, P.

..- ROLL 0F HQROR , . ' 1939-1945 '

Andrew 1?. Verne '

Barrett. William A - Barrett, Wilbur 'Bud’

' ‘threii: Willrad P


its. Paul 'H!eber._lf{ilhgr” 'Bgrt':" ~

Bonner, Jenny Haney Bonner, J as

* Bonner. Murray W . Bonner, William Bunnie. Cecil Bowles, Dennis Boyce, Rum]! Boyce, Robert B. Boyce, Viola. -

Bryant. Fred Bryant. Leslie G. Carnegie, Donald

W. A: at: Cunningimm Aubrey

Darker. Sam Dickie, J 4‘ Dickerson, Lesley Danie. Robe! t . D ,Eileu , Dimmlinwa - Bur-rant Jack Ellintt, Kenneth Ewing. James

. Fursyth-la idG. Faiheringham. Gordon

*Gilchrisi, Round in. Charles M. , Gunson. E.

anhn.Jack . '

* Hurlifl. William J I'.

Harlin, Wm. 5‘: '_v.»G.'

*Ihzs. Percy

Irvine. Thomas j ,. »

Johnston, Burton Kelly, John Kelly, Robert

Latimer. James ' Leary Ff -

Leland. Y . - Leland, Russell Leland wuma ' Leland William J; L'iiileinhn. George . Lililgjuhn,,Spaneq -

Luckimri. Venom Manners-m, Domini


McClalteriy, Peter

Olivar. . Perelman, Arthur.’

Reeves. Albert Richardson. Harold

Rollin, Russell Rutledge. Keith

SalwzmR M' ' Smras, Lawrence .

Bismark, Basil *Siauart. Guy SieuarlJames Ii. ' stem-t Larry R, - Shunt. ,William Stewart A]

Suiherlmd, James . .3

Taylor. James Tenmmt Everett Twnsm, Arnold . -

Walk“. Franck Walker ,Jack *Waiker Narmanfl.

Wyihe. John , . .. Wyihe. E. Vinin-


tamer. Murray Richardson,,eeorge * Stowe. Chang; .

V . *Kiliadinactioil