What does the future hold? What answers are there to the problems of rising fuel costs, to tralfic congestion, to air and noise pollution, to valuable property used for 133ng and to greater distances to travel between home and work? The answer has to be improved mass transit. Flyer is striving to become one of North America’s most competent bus manufacturers. The company is developing innovative concepts in transit vehicles. For example, it is considering the production of 15- to 25-passenger vehicles which can be used for small transit systems, dial-a-bus, airport limousines, airline crew vehicles, small shopper mini— buses, and other uses. The Flyer team that re-introdueed the electric trolley bus is continu- ing research on new forms of propulsion, independent of fossil fuel requirements. This propulsion research includes pollutiOn-free vehicles which will lead to a cleaner environment while at the same time relieving the pressures on the problem of petroleum suppiies. Wireless trolley coaches are being considered. This would greatly increase the range and versatility of the vehicles and by omitting the unsightly overhead wires it would also be a major money saver to the customer. From a handful of men in 1930, Flyer has grown into a multi-million dollar company employing almost 700 men and women. Mass transit is expected to become the most important form of transportation in the near future and Flyer hopes to be among the first to help develop and improve new modes of rapid transit.