the fathers were lodge& in the school, until a house could be built for them. The puyils waved into the church on week days, and for a few months the building serve& as school as well as church. This dia not last long, however, and soon the church aha sacristy were returnea tn their eroper use.
little by little, as funds permitted, the interior of the church was furnished. Father P’éran3 who hafi replacea Father Gamer as Itasrter.J and Mr. Calixte Richard, built the altar, Mr. Richard being reayonsible for much of the wood carving, on the cranellated outer and upper edge, as also for the miniature turrets on each side of the altar—tope Mr. Legoff did a very fine job on the painting of the interior of the church. The walls of the mare and the ceiling were blue and white. The walls were else paintefl with a colored design, as were the pillars. The StwLanrent church was noted, in the Interlake as one of the meet beautiful in the area.
Father Féran had acquired a beautiful bell. As there was no steeple at the time, a woaflen belfry was built. It was twelve feet high, and steed, just outside 0f, and on the north—east corner of the cemetery. It has not been possible to find the date 0f the christening cf the hell, but its inscription bears the date: 1898. It reads as follows:
St—Laurent, 1898 Maria, Jbsepha, Adelardafi Antonia, Laurentia
Sonet vex tua in auribus nostris Vex enim tua dulcis. (Cent.)
McShane Bell Feunflgy, Baltimore, Maryland
At its christening, the helltfiwggiven several eponscrs, namely: Hr. and.Mrs,: Cuthbert Dueharme * Ernest Trudel Cornelius Connelly - John Connelly
While the canstruction of the church was going on, other important events occurrefl in StmLaurent. One of these wee the erection of the Municipality 0f StwLeurent. This happened in 1881, when it was seyeratefl frem that of Wbofilands. At the time there were not many White geople in the village, most of the people being Métis or Indian. In 1888, an Englishman from Headlands (1) moved in to Stwleurent. He was a very enterprising gentlemen, and on his arrival, he opened another store. He took quite an interest in municipal affairs, and when the elections came arounfl, he opposed Brother Mulvihill far the Reeveship. This happened several times; but the Brother always won the yosition.
1. Error: Mr. Hepworth had lived at Lake Francis fer two years before coming to StwLaurent.