The following articles are from the Public Archives of Canada, Records of the Immigration Branch RG'ES, File No. 535085 and No. 801577. They are from pamphlets published in 1906.
Immigrants from Great Britain and Ireland, France, Germany, Russia, or other European coun— tries, as well as intending settlers from the United States of America coming to Canada, should, before locating, consider well the great advantages offered for settlement in Manitoba, in preference to any other Province of the Dominion. Remember, Manitoba is the greatest wheat producing country in the world. It is the pioneer Province of the Canadian West, and it has unrivalled possibilities in mixed farming. There are millions of acres of choice lands still available. Thousands of industrious settlers with their families can establish comfortable homes at once. Unequalled opportunities are waiting for investors, manufac— turers, and immigrants of all classes to their great ad~ vantage. Provincial Government lands can be purchased on easy terms at $3.09 per acre upwards. The Dominion Government gives a free grant of 160 acres on Government lands open for homestead. im- proved farms can be purchased in any part of the Province at from $12.05 to $50.00 per acre.
Guide Affecting the Conduct of the
Grahamdale Nursing Station
The Nursing Station is owned by the people in a territory consisting of 16 school districts, namely; Allenhy, Aston-Villa, Bayton, Birch Bay, Caro Ridge, Crossen, Fox, Grahamdale, Hilhre, Kiesman, Martin, Moosehorn, New Scotland, Scandla, Steep Rock and Wooddale.
The financing of the Station is done through the special levy of five mills on the dollar, and a grant from the Provincial Government in this particular territory. This takes care of the Doctor’s salary, the district’s contribution toward’s the nurse’s salary, the upkeep of the Nursing Station housekeeper’s wages and portion of her hoard, fuel, repairs, drugs, telephone and sundries, such as —— laundry soap, coal oil, gas, lamp attachments, house cleaning supplies and anything needed when minor repairs are necessary.
Is owned by the above mentioned districts and is financed as far as all major and minor repairs. The Nurse is expected to pay for tire repair, oil, license plate and gas. The peeple are charged 7r a mile when they call a nurse out in the district and the department pays at the same rate per mile for all calls made when the nurse is on public health work. The car is not to be taken out of the district, but the nurse may use it for her own pleasure within the district.
There are three trustees appointed by the people to see that the Nursing Station is kept in repair and order.
There is the local committee, its members consist of one representative from each school district men— tioned. The duties of this committee is to promote the good work of the Nursing Station and assist the nurse as much as possible in carrying out any health programs necessary in each school district. This com- mittee meets six times a year at two month intervals for the purpose of conducting Nursing Station affairs.
Nursing Station
No patients are allowed to stay at the Nursing Station except in an emergency. Treatments and inter- views at Station, time given to discuss personal and family problems, as Well as Health programs are available at all times when Nurse is not out on calls or Public Health work. If patient is too ill to come into the station or if a patient is remaining at home for a confinement, the nurse is called out into the home. The Nurse is actually on 24 hour call, although it is ar- ranged that she should have every other Sunday off du- ty.
Bi—rnonthly clinics are held at the Nursing station from 11 am. to 5 pm. and at present Dr. G. Paulson is conducting these clinics. Each patient who attends the clinic and is not in the taxable nursing station area, is requested to pay an office fee of one dollar plus any charges for necessary medication.
Drugs are ordered by the Doctor and Nurse from the Drug companies and all bills are turned over to the Secretary-Treasurer once a month, plus the money received from drug sales.
Call charges are to be paid by the individual when at all possible, and these charges are included in the drug refund.
Store Bills
Store bills for sundries, or any other small bills are paid for by the Nurse and these bills marked paid are handed in to the Secretary—Treasurer and the amount is included in your cheque.
An inventory of all Nursing station equipment and household effects is kept, and is to be checked when there is a change of Nurses.