‘31'1222011'9'2' 8121.222119de ' l . and D1. Sefiultz 111 11121511111221. :3 1," “ , 3 _ The importation of beef cattle 210221 the Lmted btates 223d 1101*;
” T commenced 1n gamest, 2111 we heai' of the Hudsons Ba‘3* be" pfiny Limporti1‘1g 210 head 111 August;
' that there weré, at that til1m,hetween 5, 000 and 5, 00 . 2.79139 settlement,ar1dlthe emotion of 11100111111 111111 " ‘ p0
' The; P111103 Rupert’s Lacrosse Club was 011131111911 12.223218 latte p "
302‘ August President Sergeant Champion (110W of Merchants
Bank) , Vina, Gauge McGinn; field eaptain‘, J.-1hurston secre-’ --
- tary and treasurer, t3(11111.45_enrggant 120113223; 1113212 _-o1'1 the 24th 1122aj
' 11111111313111? of the octupation 92" F612. Géfi'3" 1137' the British' hoops ,
' - was celebmted by 12 (12111191 11132213 Queens 'lhe fi1'st snda—wate:
4 1262: at'afl 501131 120 13323112 111 Van s favor, as 111 1:11 1123 f beirig 1113 till midnight, waiting 2111-12 ’1 #:1110111 in the” warning to Start it 02? '1