Highland cattle which thrived on the grass of the Andy Plains. These cattle adapted well to Canadian climate and were easily disposed of to other areas of Western Canada. Unpredictable, unconventional and full of energy; stories of his antics are legion. It was he who rode a wild moose in the Riding Mountain. From his perch on a tree he dropped down on the unsuspecting animal’s back and there he clung, in spite of the frantic beast’s contortions, until the moose dropped in ex- haustion. With this story and others he was able to amuse his fellow members of the Manitoba legislature in 1902 to 1907, and later in the House of Commons after the 1908 federal elections. Glen Campbell was a big man, “Big Glen” the Indians and his neighbors called him, his skill in hunting and riding were well known. He married Harriet Bones of the Riding Mountain Indian Reserve and later owned two baby moose. Perfecting a lingo all his own by mixing Cree and English he was able to compete with members of the House of Commons, who were fluently bilingual, to the entertainment of the august group. He distinguished himself during service in the First World War and died overseas. Herb Johnson, one of the first builders in Riding Mountain, is shown here with an unidentified friend feeding two young elk in the old campground area in the 19203. 14