Tim: iign mm the hackgmumd may E'aave significantiy enmuraged wmeane it) get this Mam Organized; Let this pictures: in warth the prawerbia? thousand wards, for enquirg as WEE may we .ould mm ccmg up with anyune w‘mrz {Quid re}; us who? when? m EVE?! Flaw? Q? Why? Em ii; is the grandgn Wheat King sweamrg they are wearing
Ladies did play hatimy beak in $898 0r thereafmum when this photo was taken. Qnéy (me name is visible ifienfiffing, preaumably; the owner (3‘? {he Emiécey stick: M. E; Cattmgham.
Ymungsters taday are fuflyu equipped in play 31:3:ka after {he pattems sset by the ”Wheaties” and chm’ famurite teams; fin the Mariana? League, Televiged games supplament the Coafizhing given at the neighbcurhcad rinkau Bradley Miflne and Darren SuiherEand have started their hackey careeem’s well éecked Out ._ like the: gawk.