Walter's Electric. Antique clocks and Stereo Records
Winkler Furniture & Appliance Limited
The Firm Winkler Furniture, has been in business for many years. It was purchased in September of l969 by Ben Gucnther. Mr. Guenther has a wide range of retail experience received when he resided in Paraguay, South America. For a period of five years he expioitcd lumber, with the following seven years serving as sales manager for the South-West Lumber Company. in June of 1967, because of poor educational facilities for his children, Mr. Guenther decided to move back to Canada, where until a number of years ago he was employed as a yard foreman at one oiWinkler’s local lumber yards. He then became assistant manager of Winkler Furniture, which he purchased a year later.
Winkler Furniture has a 4,000 square-foot store, featuring a complete line of household furniture and appliances. “Home of Quality Furniture and Appliances“ is a slogan well known to the area shoppers. Mr. Gucnthcr has now moved his business to 262 Main Street.
Klassen Bargain Centre
The year 196l, was the start of a small store at the corner ol‘ 7th Street and Mountain, specializing in “sec- and hand“ merchandise. As Mr. George Klassen the proprietor put it, “we remember the year 1961 as a rather dry your and it was just the ideal time to sell merchandise at lower prices".
Within a few years, Klussen‘s Bargain Centre relocated at 299 Main Street, the corner of Mountain Avenue and Main Street, where they at that time began marketing household furnishings of every description. Mr. Kiasson apologetic-ally admits, “that far too often they have too much merchandise on hand to give the many area shoppers the personal attention they deserve.” This statement can readily be proven upon a visit to Klusscn‘s Bargain Centre, where one witnesses merchan— disc of almost every kind placed on the walls and hanging on the ceiling.
At the present time Ktassen’s Bargain Centre’s growth consists of two large furniture warehouses and general merchandise warehouses on Main Street south of l’embinn Avenue, a recentiy established grocery store (known as K.B.C. Grocery) plus a branch consisting of one main store at Austin, Manitoba.
Krahn Jewellers
Krahn Jewellers, a modern jewellery store, was started in December, 1963, at 334 Main Street in Winkler. .lim Krahn, the proprietor, started training in watch repair in 1962, taking a year and a half in retail jewellery and introductory gemology from a school in Toronto.
Mr. Krahn is active in civic affairs and sports programs as well as serving as secretary of the Men— nonite Bergthalcr Sunday School. Added to this he is a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission of Winklcr.
Town & Country Plumbing & Heating
"One of the newest service centres in Winkler is Town and Country Plumbing and Heating located at 706 Centennial Street. New, in the sense that its owners Jake Klassen and Dave Klassen have been operating the business since October of 1968. Prior to this, the plumb- ing and heating business was operated by Mr. P. W. Enos and his brother David W. Enos.
At the present time, they are located in a new 30 x 70 ft. shop and operating a fleet of“ two service trucks and employing a stall of four.
Aside from operating Town and Country Plumbing and Heating. Jake Klussen operates a Green House business known as Foothill Green House. At the present time Foothill Greenhouses occupy three buildings total- ling 5,280 square feet.