Table of Contents as CHAPTER I Introduction Coming of the Settlers to the Area 1-6 Stanley Municipality 7—10 CHAPTER II ‘5‘ The Town and the Councils The Railway 11-16 The first buildings and the owners 17-21 Business and professional men 22—72 :3» Industrial development 73-76 Senior citizens’ homes 77-80 The town councils 81-106 Bethe] Hospital 107-118 The Winkler Bible institute ll9-l25

CHAPTER 111 The Public School District and the Division

Winkier School District No. 747 126-152 Garden Valley School Division No, 26 153464 CHAPTER W The Churches Bergthalcr Church 165-175 Mennonite Brethren Church 176-187 Lutheran Church 188-292 Jewish Synagogue 192 Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church 193-194 Church of God ......... - 195 Jehovah Witnesses - 195 Sommcrfelder Church - 195 Presbyterian Services - l96 Reinlaender Church 1% Grace Mennonite Church ~ 1% Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church - 197 The Mission - 198 .3 Interdenominational Services - 199 * A Historical Essay on the Winkler Churches ................................................. 200203 2

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