chants, Empire and Rossin, and it was the only place in Canada where main lines of three transcontinental systems --—- Grand Trunk Pacific, Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways inter~ seated. The Midland branch of the Great Northern also had a line out.

Testifying to the city’s economic development were flour mills, oatmeal mills, brickyards, cement block works, a sash and door factory, pump factory, harness factory, Portage Soda Water Works, Washing Soda Works, candy factories, two breweries, for, clothing and many other industries. (It is regrettable that, at this time, infor- mation is not available about all the above mentioned.)

The first mayor of the city of Portage la Prairie was Edward Brown. The first alderman were: Wm. Armstrong, Iames Fairbaim, John J. Garland, Thomas Hall, E. A. McPherson anti A. Ogletree. The secretary-treasurer was F. W. Clayton.

By 1&08 the flour mills were producing 500,000 barrels of flour annually, oatmeal mills were turning out 50,000 barrels annually, and the brickyards were manufacturing an estimated 25 million bricks a year.

The Central Electric Company, in 2908, installed a new gen— erator in its plant. The city took over the plant in 1911 and operated it until the early 1920:; when it was sold to the province, becoming the first unit of the Manitoba; Power Commission.

. . C E. Cole started in the jewelry business, on Saskatchewan Ave. in 1911, and successfully op» ereted it until he sold it to Mr. Iaek Cook in 1951.

Mr. Cole deserves special recog— nition for his contributions in time and effort during his business years. A few of them are as fol- lows:

He was chairman of the school board for 24 years; timer at the races for 42 years; established Col» legiate sports and was ‘sports tim— er’ there for 42 years; and an active member of the Masonic Lodge for most of his life.

We are fortunate in still having him with us. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cole are enjoying their retirement years in their home at 114«5th St. SE. in Portage la Prairie.