Do not hesitate to take the last piece on a dish, simply because it is the last. To do so is to directly express the fear that you would exhaust the supply.

Should you be so unfortunate as to overturn or to break any- thing, you would make no apology. You might let your regret appear in your face, but it would not be proper to put it in words.

Don’t whistle in public places, nor inside of houses either. Don’t cleanse your nails, your nose, or your ears in public.

When walking on the street do not permit yourself to be absent-mindecl; do not go along reading a book or newspaper.”


On October ll, l899, the Boer war broke out and many men from Portage la Prairie and district answered the call for help from the mother country. Some of them never returned.

The war more or 19.53 stemmed from one man’s disobedience. Dr. Jameson, without authorization from Her Majesty’s government, entered the Transvaal with an armed force and disobeyed a command to turn back. His actions were responsible for a feeling of enmity toward the British which grew until it erupted in war.

Over 7000 names of Canadian soldiers are listed among the men who fought in this war. As only number, name and rank we given, it is impossible to estimate the number that went from Portage la Prairie.

The hardships, that they endured, have been told in letters home by some! of the boys who were there.

After enlisting and travelling to the east coast, the volunteers got aboard this gayly flag-decked boat which was named “The Sardinian”.

Some of the fellows had had a little fighting experience in the North—west rebellion (Major Snider for one), hutywor in a foreign country was unfamiliar to them all. The trip east, singing songs and making friends, and bands playing and hunting flying upon their arrival, made them feel the war business was a bit of a larlt.

Their first disillusionment came when they boarded the boat. They realized then, that the saying, “Outward appearances can be