THE WINNIPEG N-free TENDERS 38 CLASSROOM MANITOBA NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE OK THE ESTATE OP N KOLA MARCH L late ot ALL CLAIMS against the above estate duly verified by Statutory must be sent to the undersigned at his office Selkirk Winnipeg on or before the day of A.D. DATED at the City of tn this day of A.D. ANTHONY T. Solicitor for the SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the of sale contained or implied tn a Memorandum of there will be offered for aale by PUBLIC AUCTION In the auction rooms of S. a duly licensed at 91 Albert in the City of Winnipeg In on the day of November A D. at the hour of o'clock In the the following namely i In the City of Saint In the Province of Manitoba and being Lot Eight In Block Five which lot is on a plan of survey of part of Blocks 21 and of the Roman Catholic Mission registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as known as 50 DeBourmont Avenue In the City of Saint The Vendor is informed that situated THE REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE Is hereby given that on or after the Seventh day of December A D. I upon the registration of a dealing affecting the land hereinafter dispense with the production of Certificate of Title Issued from the Land Titles tn the name of Howard Irwin Smith of the Municipality of in as registered owner of the following Lot which lot Is on plan of survey of part of Lots Thirty-two to Thirty-four of the Parish of Saint Charles in registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles as There is an endorsement on the face of this Title to show that the South feet have been transferred out of the which certificate It Is alleged has been lost or destroyed or 1 will upon request Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title subject to all subsisting registered to replace said Certificate of DATED at the Land Titles Office at this Second day of November C. A. Deputy District SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied in a certain Mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by AUCTION By Carl Gordon or other at Mam in the City of In the Province ot on the 18 day of A D. at the hour of o'clock in the central standard the following In the City of In the Province of being In accordance with the special survey of said City and being Lot Thirty In Block Eleven which kit is on a plan of survey or part of Lot Sixty-six of the Parish of St. registered In the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as said property is commonly known as Home in the City of in The Vendor is informed that there is situate on the said land a two-storey frame construction dwelling house having full basement and in a good state of TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent of the purchase price to be paid In cash at the time of sale and the balance In accordance with the terms and conditions which will be made known at the time of The above property will be offered subject to a sealed For further particulars and conditions apply MICHAEL Barrister It Lindsay Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied under a certain memorandum of mortgage will be at the time ot there will e offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION At the Auction Room of S. H. Gray's Auction 91 Albert in the City of in on the day of A.D. at the hour of o'clock in the the following In the City of St. in the Province of and being Lot Twelve in Block which Lot is on a Plan of Survey of part of the Roman Catholic Mission registered in the Winnipeg Land Office as The Vendors are Informed that there Is situate on the said land five room fully modern dwelling house in very good state of commonly known as 1028 Dugas tn the City of St. in TERMS OF SALE Fifteen per cent of the sale price to be paid in cash at the tune of the sale and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of the The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For further particulars and conditions ot sale apply to Buriak It Childs Portage i Winnipeg solicitors for the SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale or In a Memorandum of Mortgage registered i under The NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CHANCE OF NAME Notice Is hereby given of the following application to the Provincial Secretary under the provisions of Change of Name Act Lawrence Arthur of the City of In the Province of hereby make tion under the provisions of Change of Name for a change of name as From mv present name LAWRENCE ARTHUR to LAWRENCE in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of A.D. at Winnipeg in the Province Lawrence Arthur Signed by applicant in il- the presence of f T I. L Robertson NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CHANCE OF NAME i hereby given of the following application to the Provincial Secretary under the provisions of Change of Name Lome Robert of the Town-site of In the Province of hereby make application under the provisions of Change of Name for a change of name as From my present name LORNE ROB-FRT to LORNE ROBERT The full names and ages of my unmarried children are as JEFFREY CRAIG 4 LINDSAY SCOTT 1 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of at the Townsite of in the Province of Lome Robert Signed by the above named applicant In the presence of D. E. Faye Donalda wife of the above named hereby consent to the foregoing application for a change of Faye Donalda Signed In the presence ot D. E. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CHANCE OF NAME Notice Is hereby given of the following application to the Provincial Secretary under the provisions of Change of Name Julia of the City of in the of hereby make application under the provisions of Change of Name for a change of name as From my present name JULIA TURAN-SKI to JULIA in witness whereof I have hereunto set mv hand this day of A.D. at In the Province of Julia Signed by the above named applicant In the presence ot N. B Main THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRICT OF SNOW LAKE TAKE NOTICE that The Local Govern- A.D. intends to pass a by-law providing lor the stopping up i and closing of a portion of the Public 1 Reserve of Plan registered in the Neepawa Land Titles A plan showing the portion of the Public Reserve to be closed will be available for Inspection by any Interested person at the office of the Resident Administrator of The Local Government of Snow during office until said by-law Is AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said by-law will provide for the vest- Ing of title to the portion of the Public In I snow ment ct 1 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that j lit mm main L t a i Government District on or before 4 o'clock P.M. on the day of C. J. Resident I i i Tenders for Town and Fire I MANITOBA I endorsed on the envelope I FOR TOWN OFFICE AND FIRE and I Town of will be received up to 1 00 I p m Central Standard be produced at the time of there i trie Railway be offered for sale at Public Auction lob solicitors for the by CARL a Licensed Auction- 1 or any other duly Licensed at potter's auction sales SALE OF VALUABLE Sealed Bulk for tha erection of concrete and steel thirty-eight classroom equivalent Collegiate Building will be received by Ward and Kennedy Winnipeg up to Winnipeg on the day of rians and specification may be obtained the of the Architects upon deposit of cash or certified Bid Bond of per of the full tender price to accompany all bulk tenders certified cheque is not All tenders to comply with the requirements of the Winnipeg Bid Depository Systems operated by the Winnipeg Builders Sub-trades close at Winnipeg December I The lowest or any tender not necessarily i I A. l. Rhineland School Division CITY OF WINNIPEG Tenders tor Cleaning of Windows Sealed addressed to the nn anH marked for the cleaning of I i. n i windows in the Council and Civic for the City of Winnipeg Engineering will be received at the office of the under signed up to o'clock a.m. on November after which time the tenders received will be opened in the presence of Interested Instructions to form of and Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Administration Civic The lowest or any tender not necessarily F. General Purchasing Purchasing Administration Civic CITY OF WINNIPEG for Supply of Cable Sealed addressed to the Chair Committee on Utilities and and marked PD for the supply of cable for the Winnipeg will be received at the office of the undersigned up to o'clock a m. on December after which time the tenders received will be opened in the presence of interested Instructions to form of and Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Administration Civic The lowest or any tender not necessarily F. General Purchasing Purchasing Administration Chic CITY OF WINNIPEG Tenders for Construction of Tunnel Sewer Sealed addressed to the Committee on Utilities and and marked for construction of a monolithic concrete tunnel sewer in Inkster Boulevard from Shep-pard Street to for the City of Winnipeg Engineering will be received at the office of the undersigned up to 11 00 o'clock a m. on November after which time the tenders received will be opened In the presence of interested Instructions to form of and Plans and Specifications for which a deposit of or a certified is may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Administration Civic The lowest or any tender not necessarily F. General Purchasing Purchasing Department Administration NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of Lu's Plumbing Heating Manitoba Tenders will be received by the under- hour of for purchase of the 1 l box type 1 only 1959 Chevrolet pick-up truck 22 1 only 1962 Studebaker pick-up A certified cheque equal to 10 of bid must each Deposit will be returned if the tender is not Deposit will be forfeited to the under- as liquidated damages if the lenaer is ana me saie noi cum bv the The highest or any ranged by appointment with Menlove R E. Power Winnipeg Telephone TENDERS 12 CLASSROOM SCHOOL AND AUDITORIUM ST. AVILA EAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Patricia Avenue and Leach Street Fort Carry School Division 5 Fort Carry Manitoba tenders will he received at the 1 of the Architect up to 12 no noon Friday December 1964 for the con of the above specifications and form of tender mav be obtained from the Archi- Pratt and St. Mary's St. on deposit of One Hundred Dollars The deposit be on receipt of a legitimate bid and return of drawings and specifications in good Each tender shall be accompanied by a bid bond for 10 of the amount of The lowest or any tender not necessarily This project is being tendered through the Winnipeg Builders Exchange bid M. Secretary tort Garry School Division S. THE METROPOLITAN CORPORATION OF CREATER WINNIPEG Waterworks and Wast Disposal Division INVITATION TO TENDER USED BOILERS FOR SALE Sealed tenders for purchase of Used will be received by the undersigned at the Main Transit up to 12 00 noon November Fifteen minutes after this time tenders will be opened in the presence of interested parties ln the Council Chamber of The Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Main Street for the 2 Bryant Model Hot Water gas with all control equipment Section Warden King Viking one with oil fired burner and the other gas both boilers complete with 1 7 Section Warden King Viking Hot Water gas complete with 2 Gallon fuel oil Instructions to specifications and form of tender mav be obtained from the Purchasing Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque amounting to 10 of the total tender The highest or any tender not necessarily W. E. Manager of Transit 10 Fort Winnipeg WH Nov zone at proposed at A WASHINGTON Two scientists an American and a Russian have resurrected a proposal for converting the gradually into a nuclear-free Canadian and United States spokesmen expressed cautious interest but withheld comment pending In its initial the plan would put Alaska and part of eastern Siberia within the clearing out nuclear weapons and their delivery Radar and conventional aircraft would be A second step would extend the zone to requiring Danish and the rest of Norway and Sweden would be involved in a third stage if that was The proposal comes from biophysicist Alexander Rich of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of the Institute in Rich writes in the bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of the U.S. CANADA BACKING The plan recalls an American proposal in 1957 which Canada backed and which called for throwing the area north of the Arctic Circle open to aerial in-Arctic Circle open to as a way of reducing fears of a surprise nuclear at- Canada's chief condition for permitting such as stated to the UN Security was that there be equal areas of inspection on both The proposal like others came to The present concept sees the north as a good place to test detection especially since it forms a between Russia and the U.S. The Antarctic treaty is pointed to as a comparable State department officials said that while the Antarctic testing of inspection is going it is not an area where the participants are directly involved and thus it presents fewer problems than the north Many other problems are involved in any including the question of whether one side is giving up more m tap-ability than the I Manitoba men fair officers SASKATOON Orion of has been elected president of the Western Canada Fairs Association at the annual convention in Others elected tO DOSi- Were Norman Ot j Clarence Car- second Walter third vice-president and Howard Portage j CITY OF WINNIPEG Tenders for Sealed the envelope to be I oin h hv the Commissioner of 3rd Administration Civic Winnipeg up to 12 noon on December for fleet insurance coverage of oi Particulars may be obtained at the office of the Commissioner of Finance or by calling The lowest or any tender not necessarily J. G. Commissioner of Finance November TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE OF JENNIE late of the City of In the Province of ALL CLAIMS against the above duly verified by Statutory must be sent to the undersigned at North American Life Ken- ruML h this day of A.D. IRISH It Solicitors for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NORMAN GEORGE late of the City of Winnipeg in the Province of Insurance Company ALL CLAIMS against the above estate must be sent to the undersigned at 3rd Osborne Street Winnipeg on or twenty-first day of DATED at Winnipeg in this day of TWADDLE Solicitors for Dorothy May NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANATOL late of the City of St. In ALL CLAIMS against the above estate duly verified by Statutory Declaration must be sent to the undersigned at Main Winnipeg on or before December DATED at the of in the Province of this day of A.D. It Solicitors for- Tatijana Administratrix of the above juo in me iny of In the Province of the 2nd dav of at the hour of 11 00 o'clock j n the Daylight Saving 1 the following Lot Eight in Block Ten which Lot is on a Plan of nt part of River Lots to Ninety-seven of the Parish of in registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as The Vendor Is informed that there is situate on said property a Frame and Stucco with brick consisting of Five and as a known as Besant in the City of East In the Province of TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent to be in rash at the time of and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions be made the of sale The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For further terms and con- ot apply to It Main Winnipeg Solicitors for the DATED at the City of In the Province of this day of A D. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY under and by virtue of the power of r- i I uj nut-nun at Main ln Cit nn 2nd day of December A.D. 1964 at tn the central standard the following valuable namely beine Lois T aie on a Plan of survey of part of Lot of Parish of Saint registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as 1 ine vendor Is Informed that situate on the above lands is a three ten i room brick house in good condition tv the ot and Main Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained in a certain 1964 35 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of th Power of Sale contained or implied in a certain Mortgage under Heal Property which will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by Auction ny Armur Licensed at the Elma on the day of A D. 1964 at two o'clock in the Central Standard the following valuable Parrel River Lot In the Ninth Township and Twelfth Range East of the Principal in excepting that portion taken for a public road on a plan registered In the Winnipeg Land as Subject to the reservations and contained in the Grant from the Parrel River Lot In the Ninth Township and Twelfth East of the Principal in excepting all that portion thereof taken for a road as the same is on a plan thereof deposited In the Winnipeg Land Office as Subject to the reservations and provisions contained in the Grant from the The Vendor is informed that situate on the above lands is a one and one half storey seven room stucco a double a barn twenty-eight feet by forty feet with aluminum a chicken house eighteen feet by forty feet a grainery eighteen feet by twenty-four feet a milk house twelve feet by sixteen feet a brooder house twelve feet by sixteen feet and a machine ail in good The above mentioned property Is situated three miles north from along the East River Road of the Whitemouth is approximately seventy miles east of Winnipeg and just north of The terms of sale are as Twenty per cent In cash at the time of the and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of This property will be for sale subject to a reserve For further particulars and photographs apply to Arthur or to MacLean and Barristers and Main SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of and under powers contained in Real Property there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Michael J. Licensed at The Lord Selkirk Mam In the Town of In the Province of on the day of A.D. at the hour of noon the following Legal sub-divisions 13 and of Section in the Fourteenth Township and Sixth Range East of the Principal in excepting out of said Legal Fourteen all that portion thereof taken for the right of way of the Manitoba Power Company Transmission Line as same is coloured pink on a Plan filed in the Winnipeg Land Titles as Located East of THE VENDOR Is Informed that the said lands comprise approximately acres and that there is situate on the said lands a brick and frame dwelling house with full TERMS OF Twenty per cent on the purchase price la to be paid in cash at the time of sale and balance ln accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of For further terms and conditions of sale apply to STANLEY and Paris Portage Winnipeg Solicitor for the DATED at the City of In the Province of this day of A D. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Saie contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of and under powers contained in Real Property there will be offered for sale by public auction by Max and M. at their auction rooms at Carlton in the City of in the Province of on the 2nd day of A D. at the hour of o'clock in the the following property-Lot Twelve in Block Seven which lot is on a plan of survey of part of River Lots Forty-four and Forty-fie of the Parish of Saint in registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as The Vendor is Informed that there Is situate on the said land a fully eight-room frame and stucco bungalow with attached garage containing one and one-half bathrooms commonly known as 86 Parkville Drive in the City of St. in The property will be Bold subject to a reserve TERMS OF Twenty per cent on the purchase price is to be paid in cash at the time of and balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of For further terms and conditions of sale apply AND Paris Portage Winnipeg Solicitors for the at the City of In the l A.D. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of mortgage under Real Property h b t the time of there will be offered for by pub ic auction by Max Me man and j c. I HI out ril nun the nW In the Town of in the Province of and being Lot Fifteen excepting the most Westerly Fifteen feet in width all of Lot Sixteen and the most Westerly Ten feet in width of Lot Seventeen in Block Six which Lots are on a Plan of Survey of part of the South East Quarter of Section registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as The vendor is informed that situated on the above property is a five room stucco dwelling situate on a Lot approximately r feet by one Hundred and is commonly known as Ho r ton in the City of TERMS OF 20 ner cent in cash at the time of sale and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of This property will be offered for sale subject to a sealed reserve For further particulars apply to GOLD Barristers 1 Portage Winnipeg U DATED at the of Winnipeg In the Province of this day of A.D. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained or implied ln a certain Memorandum or Mortgage under The Real Property which will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale at public auction by MAX a Licensed or any other duly licensed at Carlton in the City of in the Province of on the 2nd day of A D. at the hour of 11 o'clock in the Central Standard the following property In the City of ln the of being in accordance with the Special Survey of said City and being the most Northerly Ten feet In width of Lot Eighteen all of Lots Nineteen and excepting out of Lot Twenty the most Northerly Twenty-seven feet in width tn Block Four which lota are on a plan of survey of part of Lots Fifty-two and of the Parish of Saint in the Winnipeg Land Office as The Vendor Is informed that there Is on the property a fully modern frame and stucco commonly known as Cordova TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent to be paid tn cash at the time of the and balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be known at the time of the The property will be offered for to a reserve For further terms and conditions of apply to MARTIN H. Barrister and Lindsay Winnipeg Solicitor for the DATED at the City of In Province of this day of SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage under Real Property which will be produced at the time of that there will be offered for aale by public auction by Carl Gordon at Main in the City of In the Province of on the day of A.D. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock In the of the following Lot Sixty-eight excepting the most easterly Fifteen feet In width thereof and all of Lot Sixty-nine In Block which lots are on a Plan of Survey ot part of Lot One Hundred and Twelve of the Parish of Saint in registered In the Winnipeg Land Titles ice aa n j City of M. The vendor la Informed that the build ings situated upon the above described land is a one storey six room frame structure three full basement and In fair TERMS Twenty percent of the purchase price as a deposit to be paid In cash and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of the The property will he offered for sale subject to a reserve For further particulars and conditions of apply to TUPPER ADAMS It Barristers It Mary s Winnipeg solicitors for the DATED at in this day ot October A.D. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied in a certain Mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION By Carl Gordon or other at Mam in the City of Province of on the day of A.D. at the hour of o'clock in the Central Standard the following Lot Thirty-eight excepting the most Westerly Ten feet in width all Lot Thirty-nine and the most Westerly Ten feet in width of Lot f orty une which lots are on a plan of survey of part of Lots One Hundred and Seven and One Hundred and Eight of the Parish of St. Boni registered in Winnipeg Lana Titles Oil ice as said property Is commonly known as 75 Clonard in ot St. in The Vendor Is Informed that there Is situate on the above described lands a five room detached stucco line consisting of living room two bedrooms and dinette and having oak and tile three-piece full concrete forced air oil heat and asphalt and is in a good state of TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale in and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions which will be made known at the time of The above property will be offered subject to a sealed reserve For particulars and conditions apply MICHAEL Barrister It Lindsay Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage Act which Mortgage will be produced at the time by public Auction by C. G. Potter at hia Auction Main in the city of In the Province of on the day of A D. at the hour of eleven o'clock in the Central Standard the following that is to say In the City of ln the Province of being ln accordance with the Special Survey of said City and being Fifty-nine and Sixty In Block which lots are on a plan of survey of part of Lots Forty-three and Forty-four of the Parish of Saint registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles as The vendor is informed that there Is situated on the said land a one-storey frame dwelling commonly known as 1222 Mountain in the City of TERMS OF SALE win C offered lor Fr 40 For further particulars and conditions this day of n u- JALL AI p Or nr VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied in a certain Mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by AUCTION By Carl Gordon or 1 in the City of in the Province of on the day of A D. at the hour of 10 30 o'clock in the Central Standard the following namely T. of m.- being in accordance with S.'S t 7 j n x 1 five feet in width t Th ah fill all if frit H I the most Westerly Ten and which lots are on a plan of survey of part of Seventeen of the Parish of Saint registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles as no in aid property is commonly as 1176 Parker Fort The vendor la informed mai mere is situate on the above described lands a one-storey stucco house having full asphalt shingle containing six rooms of living dining kit- and three bedrooms plus three-piece forced air gas heat and oak and tile fir and i. in a fair ot TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent of the purchase price to be paid ln cash at the tune of ale and the balance in accordance with the terms and which will be made known at the time of The above property will be offered to a sealed reserve For apply to MICHAEL Barrister L Lindsay Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY UNDER and BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained In a certain Mortgage will be produced at the time of the there will be offered for sate by Public Auction at Carter Auction Rooms Auctioneer Carlton on Wednesday the day of at the hour of It 00 o'clock In the Central Standard the following namely In the City of in the Province of being In accordance with the Special Survey of said and being- The most Northerly Nineteen and four-tenths feet in of I-ot Four Hundred and and all of Lot Four Hundred and excepting out of said Lot Four Hundred and the most Northerly Thirty feet in width and excepting out of both of said Lots the most Easterly Eight feet in Lots are on a Plan of Survey of part of Lot Seventy-two of the Parish of Saint registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Winnipeg as Terms of Twenty per cent of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of the and the balance In accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of the The property will be offered or io bW The Vendor Is informed that there Is situate on the said land a two and one- nH torey frame in fair state conditions of apply to li Main Winnipeg DATED at the City of tn the Province nf the day of on the above land is a frame ment and The above property will be for sale subject to a sealed reserve Terms of 20 of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the tune of For further particulars and conditions of apply to IRVING It Banisters and Somerset Portage Winnipeg DATED at Winnipeg this day of October A.D. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE LEGISLATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Application will be made at the ensuing session of The of the Province of by the regular members of the Canadian Society of Radiological Manitoba for an Act to incorporate the said regular members of the Canadian Society of Radiological Manitoba as a body corporate and politic In the name of Society of Medical Radiological referred to as for the following purposes and namely To regulate the affairs of the To pass By-laws and prescribe rules and regulations for relating and concerning the affairs of the To regulate the membership In the To provide for the adoption of a code of ethics governing the members of the DATED at the City of in the Province of this day of MacAulay It Barristers and Somerset Winnipeg Solicitors for the SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained or implied in a certain mortgage under Real Property Act which will be produced at the time of there will he offered for sale by public auction by Carl G. Potter or duly Jt J f Wih KJ Ji In the City of In the ince of and being Lots Eighteen and Nineteen excepting out of said Lot Nineteen the most Easterly Sixteen and one-half feet In width thereof in Block which lots are on a plan of survey of part of the North halves of Sections Four and registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as The vendor is Informed that situated on the above property is one and a half Yale Avenue In the City of Trans- t. ti 1 c I Of CAI i. Twenty per in cash at the time of sale and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of 10 a For further particulars apply to 1 Barristers and Paris Dated at the of In the Province of this day of A D. SALE OF VALUABLE ST. JAMES PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale or Implied bv a certain memorandum of mortgage which will be j roistered against the land hereinafter S' WE in the Province of i the 2nd day of A.D. 1964 at the hour of the following property The Vendors are Informed that there Is 1 situate on the property a slat-type bunga- w with six rooms and attached completed ln It contains a 1 nm and a interior walls of plaster and asphalt tile The heating Is oil I forced hot The exterior is stucco 1 with a composition shingle This property Is more commonly known as St. Mani- TERMS OF SALE- Twenty per cent 20 cash at lime or and ana and condition to be made known at the i 1 This will be offered same property 2 Vr km For terms and con of sale appy It Barristers and Main Winnipeg Vendors' at this day of A D. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY and by virtue of the Power of contained or implied in a certain Memorandum of Mortgage registered I im set out at public auction by Sefton Licensed at Gray's Auction 91 Albert Mani- nf rw at eleven o'clock In the Standard the following valuable j r- u du-l i vey of part of Lot Twelve of the Parish I of in registered In i the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as j The vendor Is Informed that there h situate on the above referred to land a one storey bungalow in fair state of repair commonly known as Semple in Municipality of west Kii 1 Manitoba 1 enma nr 20 In cash at the time of the AND THE BALANCE In accordance 1 with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time sale j This property will be offered for subject to a reserve DATED at the City of In this day of For further particulars apply to t 1007 Child's Winnipeg Solicitors for the Vendor SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained In a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale and under the powers contained in Real Property there will be offered for sale by public auction by Max at the Auction rooms at Manitoba on Wednesday the 2nd day of December 1964 at the hour of o'clock in the Forenoon the following the City of in the Province of being in accordance with the special survey of and being Lot Thirty-seven and the mot westerly Fourteen feet in width of I-ot Thirty-eight ln Block Four which lots are on a Plan of Survey of part of Lot Thirty-six of the Parish of Saint registered tn the Winnipeg Land Titles Office aa The Vendor is Informed that there Is situate thereon a one six-room stucco commonly known as 1694 The will be offered to i a sealed tt-duc nc ruf made ij L. known at the time of For further information and conditions KAN EE lc and Portage Vi Solicitors for the Which lot Is on a plan Of Mam f 1 r-i. in SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage registered under Real Property which be produced at the time of will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Carl Potter or another duly licensed on Wednesday the day of at the hour of o'clock in the Central Standard at Fen-nell's Auction Sales Main In the City of in the following I which lot is on a plan of survey of part of Lot Thirty-three of the Parish of in registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles as 1065 The Vendor is informed that there is erected upon the said land a one-storey dwelling house commonly known as Marjorie In the City of St. in the province of TERMS OF SALE 20 of the chase price to be paid in cash at the tune of and the balance to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions to be disclosed at the time of the The land will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Dewar It Elec- c h r of Sale contained or implied in a certain Memorandum of Mortgage registered under Real Property which will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by public auction by Carl G. a auctioneer at Potter's Auction Main in on the day of November A D. 1964 at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon the following Seven in Block Five which lot is on a plan of survey of part of River Lots Forty-four and Forty-five of the Parish of Saint in registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles as with It V. heated by gas forced air and the ex walls are siding and stucco with asphalt shingled This dwelling Is known as Parkville In the City of St. In Manitoba TERMS OF SALE Twenty-five per cent to be paid In cash at the time of the sale and the j balance In accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of the sale 1 This offer will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For further terms and of apply to SAUNDERS 1 Barristers and Bank of Nova Scotia Portage and Winnipeg M u K I ur CITY PROPERTY mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be or sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by carl or omer at Main In the I City of ln the of 1 on the day in ine the following namely 1 1 In the City of In the ince of being in accordance with the special survey of said City and being the most Westerly Twenty- t in t n Tan t and excepting the I most Northerly eight feet In depth which lot is on a plan of of part of Lot Thirty-nine of the Parish of Saint registered tn the Winnipeg Land Titles Win- as 28 1 said property being commonly known as in the City of Winni ln the Province of The Vendor Is informed that there Is situate on the above mentioned property a two storey frame dwelling in a TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent of the Purchase SALE OF VALUABLE r CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained In a certain mortgage mortgage will be offered for sale by public auction by Max It Sons Auction Carlton in the City of in the of A D. at the hour of ten-thirty o'clock In the the following that Is to In the City of ln the Province of being ln accordance with the Special Survey of said and Lot which lot is on a plan of survey of part of Lot of the Parish of registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as The Vendor is informed that there Is situated on the said commonly known as McAdam a five-room frame Terms of Sale Twenty per of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance in accordance with the conditions which will be known at the time of The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For further particulars and conditions of sale apply lc Vendor's Confederation Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain there will be offered for sale by public auction by Carl G. Potter at Potter's Auction Sale Main on the day of at the hour of Ten o'clock in the Central Standard the following Lot Fifty-one which kit la on a Plan of Survey of Part of Lot Twelve of the Parish of Saint and of part of Lot One Hundred and Twenty-two of the Parish of Saint In registered In the Winnipeg Land aa Terms of 20 of the purchase tn accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of The property will k be sold u subject to reserve onions oi apply 10 4 Toronto General Trust Winnipeg DATED at tn this day of A.D. vember for me construction ot Town ie lerms oi saie are as and Fire Hall in 20 In cash at the time of and Plans and specifications may be seen at 1 the balance in accordance with the the Winnipeg Office of the Consulting and conditions to be made known at the and may be obtained upon time of This property will be of-deposit of Deposit cheques wilt be for sale subject to a reserve returned upon the return of the plans I Further particulars may obtained and specifications in good condition with- from MacLean and sale by Public Auction by Carl Potter or i X f ILiS another licensed on the made 2nd day of at the hour of The above property will be offered 12 o'clock Central Standard subject to a sealed reserve at Fennell's Auction Salea For further particulars and Main In the City of in apply to the following 4 Great Western Build-in the City of ln the Province 1 Main WINNIPEG of being tn accordance with 1 n two closing of A marked cheque or bid bond I for of the amount of the made payable to the Town of Melita must 1 accompany each tender The lowest or any will not 1 be accepted M. Town of Underwood McLellan It Associates Consulting Professional 1495 Winnipeg SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied In a certain Memorandum of Mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be tor sate Dy PUBLIC AUCTION ln Carter's Auction Carlton ln the City of in on the day of November at the hour of o the following prop In the City of tn the Province of being in accordance with the special of said and being Lot in Block which Lot Is on a Plan of Survey of part of Lots 25 to of the Parish of Saint registered In the Winnipeg Land Titles as The Vendor Is informed that this property is commonly known and described as Carter in the City of in the Province of and that there Is situate thereon a one storey frame house and a frame TERMS OF SALE Twenty i per cent of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of the The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve For particulars and conditions of sale apply to Allan A. Solicitor for the Portage Winnipeg ATOMIC OF CANADA LIMITED Nuclear Research Establishment of future construction plans Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has planned various construction projects which arc expected to be carried out a unrig construction The our nose of this notice Is to nive Interested contractors an immediate opportunity to inspect the projects and examine the features which may affect the work and bidding if and when tenders are Contractors should contact the ing A M. G. Allan at Atomic Energy of Canada Manitoba for available f on per io projects village lavage 11 nf 3 me special survey of said and being Lot Two Hundred and excepting the most Northerly twenty-five feet ln width In Block which lot Is on a plan of of part of Lot One of the Parish of Saint John registered Winnipeg as No The Vendor i. is informed that there Is a c. w-n i I TERMS OF SALE 20 of the pur- chase price to be paid in cash at the time ot ana balance to be paid In accordance with the terms and conditions to be disclosed at the time of the The land will be offered for tale subject to a reserve For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Dewar Electric Railway solicitors for the Vendor DATED at November SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained or implied in a certain Mortgage will be produced at the time of there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION By Carl Gordon or other at Mam In the City of in on the 2nd day of A D. at the hour of o'clock in the Central Standard the following I-ot Thirty-one the most Westerly Six feet In width and the most Westerly Thirteen feet in width of Lot Thirty-two In Block Three which lota are on a plan of survey of part of Lots One Hundred and Seven and One Hundred and Eight of the Pariah of Saint in registered In the Winnipeg Land as said property la commonly known aa 56 St. The Vendor Is informed that there is situate on the above described lands a one-storey frame detached dwelling wood concrete asphalt shingle and containing five living two bedrooms and three-piece bath- 1 TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent of the The above property will be offered sub- i MICHAEL Barrister and KM Lindsay Winnipeg TENDERS FOR INSURANCE MANITOBA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Applications are invited from insurance companies licensed to transact business in the Province of Manitoba and who are interested in underwriting one or more of the following benefit for members of the Manitoba Medical Group Disability Income Office Overhead Expense Protection Group Term Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits Applications for specifications should be directed to William M. Mercer Consulting Portage Winnipeg indicating the or on which specifications are being Applications for specifications should be postmarked not later than November The specifications and employee data will be mailed to each applicant by William M. Mercer Vendors are Informed that there Is of reinforced concrete pavement in price tn be paid In cash at the time of on this Pr the purchase of commonly known as Sher-Pinawa sale and the balance In accordance with Is located a Road S cash Winnipeg Construction of approximately mlle U and which be I further and oi concrete pavement at a. Asphalt paving of several parking lots in J. t. ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA