M DRY CLEANING f I prompt JUNE 1931 I SOO BUSH FIRE SPREADS OVER WIDE AREA SOUTH WINDS FAN BLAZE INTO RAGING INFERNO Over Acres Already Burned Over Fighters' Task Difficult SAULT STE. June 25 The forest fire at on the north shore of Lake is spreading rapidly and has already covered according to reports received her South and southwest winds which have prevailed for some days havn whipped up the conflagration from what was first thought a minor and to this menace facing the fire-fighters Is added the difficulty of reaching the fire which is almost Impossible of Natural barriers have held back the 15 expert bushmen who started last Saturday In an aeroplane from After they flew to Otter Head they had but 15 miles to go along the Cascade But the tumultuous river could not oa navigated even by and the men had to cut trails through miles over unbroken bush over mountain after On Wednesday planes from her sighted the crew's tents four miles from the It Is though they are fighting it from this Yesterday conditions made flying and no further communication has been effected with the But the second crew which left here lata night by are expected to reach the scene more as they will have the advantage of the trail cut by their forerunners along the Cascade after they have left the Men will be rushed in groups if to check the I 1 Route of Round-the-World Fliers Wf Here is the path being followed by Wiley Post and Harold Gatty in their round-the-world which they expect to complete In ten The heavy dark lines show how much of the trip has already been and the dotted lines depict the remainder of their proposed Starting from New they are today winging their way over Siberia en route to Distances already flown New York to Harbar Harbar Grace to England and thence to Berlin to Moscow to Other lees on the journey to to Alaska Nome to Edmonton to New Catholic Prelate Anderson Government June 26 A. campaign with the object of undermining the Anderson government In Saskatchewan was being carried on by newspapers and public by means of false allegations of unjust treatment of the French-Canadian end Roman Catholic minority In that H. former vicar-general of the Archdiocese of declared In a sermon here Eighty percent of the reported troubles over schools were the former vicar-general Premier Anderson was too lenient in not calling his detractors to he adding that school troubles In Saskatchewan were ascribable more to the current financial crisis than to any thing the provincial government might have R. A HOEY TO MEET WITH HEADS OF BANKS A. minister of and acting premier Is attending the conference in Ottawa between the western premiers and heads of the chartered Premier Bracken being unable to leave owing to the unemployment conference and other matters which have engaged his attention this The conference was arranged by R. B. prime meetings Wednesday In the capital between the western governments and the pools and the Dominion at which the recreation of the Canada wheat board was Premier Bracken who was busily engaged today was unable to make a and it Is believed he will await the return of Hoey before doing LIBERAL CHIEF WILL PROBABLY BE NAMED Unofficial Canvass Indicates There Will Be Seven Nominated An unofficial canvass today of leadership possibilities at the Manitoba Liberal convention Indicated at least seven candidates may be nominated and probably only two or three will stand for The likely nominations Murdoch Fred C. J. W. present house leader of the John C. president of the Manitoba Liberal D. L. former president of the Union of Manitoba T. A. Crerar and J. T. Lobby In Progress who two weeks ago was talked of as the likely will not allow his name to go before the Neither will Crerar or unless there is some change in the situation farly this Thorson will nominate A lobby Is still In progress to Induce Mellish to allow his name on the but it is unlikely he will There are definite plans that he run as a Liberal candidate in the coming probably in now represented by R. H. a Bracken government A contributory unemployment Insurance a progressive farm policy for development of a balanced i and a drive for a province-wide organization were approved by resolution at today's Constitute Platform The three resolutions with that on the tariff passed Thursday night on motion of T. A. constitute the platform upon which the Manitoba Liberal party will make its appeal in the next The unemployment contained in a resolution moved by Alderman Ralph seconded by E. J. proposed the provincial government set up an administration board to represent the province in all matters of and headed by a minister of the crown responsible for Its Its main duty would be to devise means of providing for the situation after having made a thorough classification of The convention recommended that there be placed at disposal of the board as a foundation or common a sum of In addition to contributions from the Dominion and provincial governments and the sufficient to enable It to take advantage of practical suggestions for the purpose of effecting a permanent A committee will be named to wait upon the provincial The resolution also pledged the party to take Immediate steps to have the Dominion enact legislation to provide for Suggested Farm Policy The means suggested to put Into effect a farm policy were cited In a resolution moved bv Edwin deputizing for M. and seconded by G. C. It proposed appointment of efficient district agents and that lacking a federal a definite and energetic program of advertising be undertaken to assist merchandising Manitoba farm products In British and foreign The resolution on organization was moved by S. H. and seconded by A. J. BODNAR-KILLED IN GUN BATTLE WITH POLICEMAN Fight Started When He Was Found With Three Others In Box Car It was In a death duel between two gunmen and a railway man that Frank Bodnar was according to information received by the city police Bodnar was the fourth member of the quartette which raided the Bank of Transcona and got away with in The three other bandits were arrested shortly after the holdup and are now serving penitentiary Bodnar slipped out of the city with his share of the went West and finally made his way Into the United On the night of June Patrolman F. W. of the P. was patrolling the yards near Cedar when he came across four men sleeping in a box He turned his flashlight on them and ordered them to get out Not satisfied with their he started to search When he approached the third an automatic flashed out and was pressed against his was a click as the trigger was pulled and the automatic Dietz struck the under the Jaw and reached for his own As the gunman stumbled backwards his automatic fired three or four The fourth vagrant also started Both unarmed men had disappeared by this Dietz crouched down and several snots wre men one of the hobo-gunmen dropped with two bullets In The other Prints of the dead man's fingers were sent to the department of Justice at D.C. On his body was an immigration card bearing the name Lukas Roman of but his fingerprints revealed him to be Frank MAN ALLEGED TO HAVE SOLD CURE FACES CHARGE Peter Pleads Not Guilty in Police Court Teter 55 Healon faced Magistrate Henri Wednesday In St. Boniface police court on a charge of obtaining money under false He pleaded not guilty and was remanded for one His arrest followed a complaint by Frank Belgian of the Wed- has been a sufferer from rheumatism for a long On Tuesday he was approached by who he alleges claimed to have a cure for the It would cost him He took the four ounces of green Tuesday lay down and awaited relief from the Two hours later he was groaning with nearly blind and hardly able to He summoned a received an emetic and made a gradual When arrived Wednesday at about 4 to deliver a second dose for says that he detained him In the dining-room and phoned the license Alarmed at the delay ran to the door to find that it was He dashed to the back door and out Into the who was In the grabbed him but failed to hold She retained his coat and Her screams aroused several among them Bob and E. W. McMillan They dashed to the yard and joined In the Difference Between News And Editorials Explained Query To Readers' Service on Newspaper Conscience Answered Can The Tribune conscientiously oppose legalization of sweepstakes In its editorial column and yet publish daily reports of horse-racing or of the winning of fortunes in This question was asked the responsible editors in charge of Readers' this newspaper's bureau of editorial Thursday The answer to this question Is The answer Is because the problem is not one of ethics or consistent It concerns the definition and understanding of the two of Fixed Standards When a newspaper speaks In Its editorial columns the opinion expressed Is that of Its It Is well to note that it is opinion based on the In the news columns fixed and objective standards measure what shall be the only yardstick by which articles are tested is first their interest whether the subject has sufficient whether publication Is permitted by standards of decency and good News is the picture of the whole world In action and it is not Influenced by the opinion of the For The Tribune In Its editorial oppose the political objectives of a certain but this opinion does not prevent this newspaper from giving all parties the same amount of news space when activities of these political units become May Point the Moral Similarly on this question of The Tribune has written editorials in opposition to the efforts made to have th Is gambling Because this opinion is does not mean that this newspaper will immediately inject bias In its news Sudden acquisition of wealth through the turn of luck in a horse the pathetic hopes of millions who purchase tickets on these lotteries all this Is In Itself a commentary on our As news it is published without the editorial columns the editor may point the The facts alone and may not be Questions on The enquiries arising out of the day a news are welcomed by Readers The responsible editors In charge are competent to discuss and interpret these questions or to record traders' compliments or criticism of Tribune To reach these editors ln charge of Readers' Just call 24 The between 7 and 9 any day but and ask for LIQUOR STORE THEFT SUSPECT IS ACQUITTED Francois Goes to Trial for Conspiracy to Rob Francois who appeared In county court today charged with theft of from government liquor store on Tache was acquitted by His Honor Judge The crown failed to establish identification of Cretton as the man who committed the Following his acquittal Cretton was a charge of conspiring with Ephrem reeve of St. to rob the Ban-que at Tried Together was with attempted robbery of the bank while armed on the night of and with Judge heard the two trials The crown's chief Jack St. Mary's St. told of being asked to join In the alleged attempted bank He had ridden to Lorette with the two accused he and had been given a revolver by one of but had refused to take part in any Attempt Abandoned The attempt was abandoned when the bank manager was found at work In the bank The trial continued at o'clock this E. J. Thomas appeared for the crown In both cases with Max Isaacs THREE WEEKS' NEEDS BUGGY you the Stocking Fund asked a little mother stepping into an office in The Tribune you get me a baby I have a baby three old and the doctor says It must get out In the fresh I have no money to buy one and my husband is not This is the problem which a little hard hit by circumstances she cannot finds herself Who can help her with a discarded baby Just telephone 24 The and the carriage will be picked up and sent to this home so as to help this mother raise her infant into a healthy Canadian BUILDERS WOULD LIKE FIRE HALL BUILT AT ONCE Dissatisfaction with the city council for not taking immediate steps to construct the proposed new hall on Smith was voiced at a meeting of the Building Trade Wednesday In Labor At the city council meeting it was decided the fire to the existing could not be built before the money which it Is Intended to submit next had been Members of the Building Trade council felt that indications had been given that work was to without It was pointed out that a precedent had been set last In connection with the addition to Central Police and that similar could be taken In regard to the fire WHEAT PRICE CHART FILED BY EXCHANGE Much Appendix To Stamp Report is Explained Winnipeg Grain Exchange today announced that the price graph attached to appendix 12 of the Commission which aroused criticism In parliament at Ottawa was with its by exchange counsel at the Responsibility for the Inclusion tf these documents In the report was attributed H. H. In the House to Sanford who has specifically denied The Exchange makes the following explanation with regard to the submission of the chart showing open market for 3 Northern cash wheat price Saskatchewan Pool 3 Northern basis Fort which appears es appendix 12 in the Stamp Introduction Explained the close of the public session on the last day of the Commission's sitting In our received permission to file the chart In question official transcript of page This as well as other Informative was filed with the Stamp commission by the Winnipeg Grain the chart was an actual record of the prices prevailing on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange for 3 Northern compared t to the actually paid to their members by the Pool during the period of their It was certainly to the subject matter of the as It appears to us that the best way to get at the true worth of the open grain futures marketing system Is by actual comparison with other methods of Record or Sales graph of the 3 Northern prices is an actual record of the prices that prevailed each day for that grade on the Winnipeg Grain It in no way purports to show weighted average or to show the volume sold at each it merely shows the prices recorded each day from this conclusively shows that on only a very few days of the entire period was the price In the open market less than the price paid by the Pools for the same and that for practically the whole of each the open market price was far above the Pool price paid to their members for that In making a comparison t of this the fact should not be overlooked that the Pool claimed they carried their wheat right to the consumer in and therefore had the benefit of ail the profits beyond Fort such as savings on lake and ocean the profits In operation of their Buffalo terminal transfer elevator and also the profits of their sales in the export So that a basis In store Fort William Is really very much In their unfortunately the comparison of prices received by Pool members and by open market sellers has always been we think that a chart of this which shows In graphic form the actual prices prevailing during the whole 1924 to under the two Is a fair comparison of the relative merits of the two marketing T. Winnipeg Grain Wire Sent Stevens today sent the fol- lowing telegram to H. H. Stevens at as published In the report of the Stamp Commission was filed by me with the Commission as counsel for the Winnipeg Grain I handed the same personally to the Sir on April after having received his permission page of the official transcript of for April None of the commissioners had previous knowledge of my Intentions to file this The document which I handed to Sir Josiah Stamp was identical In every respect with the document which appears as Appendix 12 in the report of the Evans Issues Denial W. Sanford member of the Stamp royal last night denied that procured any the inclusion in the Stamp report of Appendix Evans characterizes the Insertion of the appendix as unfortunate and states that if the matter had come before the commission he would never have advised its His statement in full No Part In Filing Steven Is correctly be has done me a great I had nothing to do with the filing of the chart which appears as Appendix 12 and which was filed by the Winnipeg Grain and I had no idea that the chart was to be filed until a copy was handed to me by the chairman after it had been handed in to only personal part I play- ed in connection with the appendixes was in drafting for submission to the chairman of the introductory explanatory note to Appendixes 5 and I prepared no notes for the diagram that appears in Appendix because it had not been referred to In our It is unfortunate that it explanations Is simply that In the extreme shortness of time for the drafting of the report the details and the appendixes never formally came before the If they had I would not have Inclusion of that diagram and I did not In anyway procure l its It was just an CHAMPION SAYS GOLF COURSES NOT NEGLECTED Explains Difficulty Met This Year in Getting Greens In Good Condition Winnipeg's municipal golf course are not More men have been employed to take care of them this year than In any former and the turf on fairways is in good Dandelions are but so they are everywhere this owing to the unusually dry It has been difficult to put turf on many of the winter killed but these are now rapidly rounding into good and will soon be as good as declared George superintendent of the parks In reply to charges of one In a letter to the editor of The over the signature of claims that the courses are In disgraceful shape through have been allowed to use the permanent greens since the end of and naturally It has been hard to establish new turf on the winter killed Warm which melt the followed by frosty nights with cold dry such as we had In March and this made the production of new and the care of the old a most difficult The regular staff has been employed on both the same as In previous plus some extra men needed to take care of the spraying made necessary by the Alderman Robert who Is a member of the parks declared that the courses were In good shape considering the Nothing more could be done to improve without the green fees by to about double their present M CLENAGHEN AGAIN CHOSEN AS CANDIDATE Is Unanimous Choice of Conservatives of Kildonan-St. Andrews J. O. was the unanimous choice of the Conservatives of Kildonan-St. Andrews as candidate in the next provincial at the convention held at West F. G. leader of the Conservative was the chief speaker at the He attacked the government for extravagance and criticized their payment of what he termed exorbitant legal fees and the amount paid out for the upkeep and running of government elected Hon R. B. Bennett Col F. G. H. J. O. E H. T. There were In the neighborhood of delegates at the and short addresses were given by H. C. V. E. Frank and W. D. APPEAL COURT UPHOLDS GAME ACT CONVICTION John Found In Possession of Must Pay Fine Conviction of John Wagner under the Game and Fisheries ace for Illegal possession of sturgeon and sturgeon eggs was upheld by a Judgment of the Court of Appeal Found guilty by Magistrate C. H. Dixon at Wagner was fined or In of two months In Defence C. E. appealed on the ground that the provincial fisheries act had not been proclaimed the date of the alleged Control of natural resources had been taken over from the federal government only a month In his stated case the magistrate asked whether he was right In holding that It was not sary for the Crown to proof of proclamation of the also In holding that he could find that the act had been proclaimed and waa In force on The appeal court answers both questions C. V. McArthur presented the Crown's MEDICAL MEN ARRANGE FOR ANNUAL MEET Six Committee Chairmen Appointed to Draw up Plans Six chairmen of committees to prepare for the annual meeting of the Manitoba Medical association have been An additional four chairman are to be appointed from where the meeting will be held at the Prince Edward September H. O. of the at an executive meeting held June stated it would be necessary to appoint committee in order preliminary work might get under The following have been Finance and M. R. scientific S. J. S. commercial C. ladies' O. F. W. G. S. Brandon will appoint heads for committees to attend to reception and press and dinners and Visiting ladles at the meeting will be entertained by the Graduate Nurses' association of who have arranged a golf tournament and An Invitation was received from the nurses' association at the executive meeting and accepted by 1 Auction Sales Ity KILSHAW'S AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at KILSHAW'S SALES ROOMS JUNE 2 P.M. Several of good furniture be regardless of pries or ln chesterfield with Chair to Match hi Walnut and Reversible Occasional chain and Walnut tuning Sulla Windsor WILTON AND AXMINSTER and Fume Oak Two Hood Baby Breakfast Bedroom Walnut and Sewing Ica large quantity of good and useful household Now on Terms Cash THE AUCTIONEERS Canada Building Phone 29 A Cool Seating Roads Beckon Hit The Trail Summer prices on Used Cars never have been Take advantage of bargains and good weather to enjoy hours touring on a winding BARGAINS IN THE TRIBUNE USED CAR COLUMNS TODAY By E. CARTER I MORNING AUCTION SALE H Balance of U Unclaimed Storage 1 and Household Effects I At My Auction Roomi IF GRAHAM VAUGHAN commencing IL Saturday June At 10 o'clock m This balanca of stories goods and and i Walnut and Oak Dining nr New tm Settee ami im Odd Kitchen and a hort of other Terms H EDWARD AUCTIONEER Phone AUCTION RUMMAGE SALE ROOMS Notre Dam ana Ellen SATURDAY EVENING P.M. 3 1 Heal Kitchen 1 High-Class I New Kitchen 1 Large Oil Painting High-Class Silk 4 Men's Cleaned and Large Quantity of Miscellaneous Goods such as U NOTE redeemable In trade at Tuesday and Friday islet Julius was given six months suspended sentence by Judge Cory ln County Court Thursday afternoon when Jie pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated assault and obstructing a peace Elks and Citizens Give Bathing Suits to Camps Salvation Army and tell them we'll buy them their 60 bathing was the This was passed on to Brigadier who welcomed the news and desired The Tribune to not only the but all others who had More bathing suits can be Answers Plea fop Aid In making the donation of the bathing Royal secretary of the B P.O. writes to the editor of The Tribune as 1 Instant and Generous Response to Plea for Salvation Army Fresh Air Camp Winnipeg made Instant and generous response to the request in Thursday's Tribune for 50 bathing suits to save SO youngsters at the Salvation Army fresh air camp their own particular tragedy In the a lake to swim In and no bathing suit Not 15 minutes after the paper was off the The Tribune telephones began to ring with offers of bathing suits to complete the happiness of these little Early gifts were made by ste. Serbia Toronto Miss Nurses' municipal Jubilee Inkster And early ln the came a call from the whose circus In now being held ln North to Tribune Read lers' call the last evening on behalf of the Salvation Army Fresh Air for 50 bathing suits for has received the sympathetic consideration of Winnipeg Lodge I have been directed to advise vou that the Elks' Lodge will provide the total number of bathing suits asked Arrangements are now completed to purchase these bathing and delivery will be made to Brigadier Cummings of the Salvation have also been directed to ex- Eresa the appreciation of the mem-ers of this lodge of the splendid service which The Tribune has rendered on so many occasions in the alleviation of distress among unfortunate members of this DESTROYERS LEAVE FOR HALIFAX June 28 The destroyers and first Canadian warships ever ordered and built In Great left this morning for They expect to make the run In eight This Is believed to be the first time any destroyers have ever attempted a crossing of thi Tenders are being called for a two-storey addition to the Mental hospital at North The Addition will measure 40 by 72 feet Plans and prepared by H. Saskatchewan provincial are at the Winnipeg Builders' Exchange Children Escape Shackles As Doors of Schools Close Nearly Youngsters In Greater Winnipeg Start Holidays Nearly school children In Greater Winnipeg forgot lessons and examinations today and turned their thoughts to more serious such as camping and for at noon the long summer holidays All pupils reported as usual The two hours they had to wait before they were freed seemed like two Attempts by teachers to maintain discipline were not altogether and decidedly tart the day announcement i was made as to how the pupils had fared in their Those who were handicapped by during the term and had failed to pass to a higher grade were encouraged by the This and the fact that holidays had arrived took away the Those who were successful denoted their glee by pleased When the bell clanged telling that closing time had at last arrived there were Joyous Youngsters piled out of raced for home to announce the good news to their parents and to wonder why mothers were not so enthusiastic about the holidays as they Seventy-odd schools In 50 In the suburbs and through-lout the province were closed down ASSINIBOINE PARK CAFETERIA OPENS SUNDAY In Parlor Has Accommodation for People patrons Park will be able to have tea and light refreshments the new in the upstairs portion of the park It is a Customers will be cafeteria and will carry their trays to sandwiches and cold meats will be Those full meals will be able to secure them by telephoning the ahead of as there Is a well-equipped The dining-room will hold The present building was commenced In shortly after the previous structure had been destroyed by The downstairs portion was completed In The and furnishing cost approximately I Looking Through The Want Ads reward for return of cut steel bracelet Shimming and diving Instructor open for Man with new tractor and outfit wants ploughing on summer a Capable general girl wants Ten-room rooming house south of Portage for all rooms Couple wanted to share bungalow for July and