Av ‘ i 7' “7»
s _.Do~rn&1nion ggoaverninen
inagkeiit Ta\"p1jear5“ that its V set-up ic?onstit‘7utes an rnigra sd?eve1op_rnent policy ii i V -
Minister eWa1ter Harri He
told the annual contventtion ofthe O;ntariot:Asso4t~ i eciatiton .tofiRural _Munic'ipa1itiesj V V gosvernvfnenti is toon;sidering. . a- »plan,f7t7; :,, ireirnburse‘ munitcipallitiess flwfhenae
V " ’ O‘ V
j . t
ithgalit” to immigrattion an - appropriate I .atd.diti%oo;n‘ T;_tjq‘ the l.t:jlai1n;é.jhOrWé%% ‘ . ever; ~ Arthur’ MatéN6IIIifa°ra, d’ejputysT;V:rnian-i‘i ister’ t of U1‘a.b'QI.J..’.* exp»1ains» of : the‘ s une~nip‘1o? t
pected social serviice costs. arise out
of ‘trhet federal (immigration policy,‘
The ministe]r’s remarks? rnasyV1have.t
been pr«Oni1ptedvet complaints A from _A.
H. Firarne,“ comymissioner of welfarewiint 7} %Hami1ton, although that city can hard-
months; taro’ ‘tide over the slack
‘-2 ‘I .l/’'‘ ;_ .
that arrival ‘ T «in'imig‘raenat9s of V _obtaisning,
seaston, f fsorne of “ other gneflwlcorners ¢ at" least; are} being tlookedi’ after at shel-
itters tneairtsMontrealsiand at V.Aj‘ax. nears /»>2..‘VT‘O.‘r‘O‘VI‘1't‘0;., L ~ a Canadiian
s it may < iwéll ask‘ . Wtvhetlier
rthe V Domiiniori aistovérnrrfentis; virdeats
ly beiclasseid as aixiurait irnunic1ip‘ality¢, ;
Mr.‘ ‘¥Frafn'e called for a terr1'pqrary%’’ha1;tH; ; to immigration until the presenit, uniem-rs f
cleared up; On the face of it,-Haimiltonifl
or any other rnuinicip‘ality inywhich
%first-yearg immigrants betcome » 7lpub1ic' chargeshas a ltegitirnattet ~claint1 against the immigration dep.artrnen.t"% on ’ the
ground that ‘such pers'0;ns f are in some 4 sense ,wardsof= the?‘departrnel1tttforjs the time being. i From the%'induniciipa1i point; of View this iisstonlyattaspecial fiaspfectai
subje!ct_‘; of i«éoloniiatiiTon and .settle- i
not”exiendt«sbey*0hdi this kind % gf ?te’mporary shelter. ands} federal tployment situation tin. H,arni~lton. * is? A
sharingt in “rnunicipal‘i_i JtWith i so’ many new development iprojectsrin the
. blueprint *stageista lreluctant; stitmid;1'tangi;
dilgaetory:“attitude inimmigrationtpoliéytt itself, «coupled with an effort to, m’alge> it appear .that ; their Dominionsggovernsnt
,ment is beingiittpa‘rti'cularlyVA hanidsomen tin .DI'~0vidinfg[ food ands. she1‘teIf;A?ii;for i-a. stew dozen: imrnigrantso duri‘1iFg_ithe. LS1a_Ck‘
seas~on, is disheartening;% _'___