1 I. NO f A. A bUU A iron N i 40 It Of laid rlue lo e and lees on Bin from Very to B. A. JM IjO nut OK LASH Oll U H til mt ta th Apply W A. A ax Mala OTON i Alao lot oa west Hot at W A. A 11 li lr L A LOT ONI eise feel to a A Apply Ui d A. how-bo A 1 Main L Katat and Financial a Maju AN At UK 1 hie land ia l. south only 4 from Hereford on Alt it branch of It is in the c a se acre ran tte at a per Thie U a for anine fo- 10 dale fur and further particular from a At tulle front kosser Ij miles from horae 1 aut well ad milk III and all fur 1 oil to suiL alone ate wort b menta can he at a fair Ow ner into other at Heul ii Alain au PROPERTIES FOR SALE By at 1 ON MAIN near Kaine and table IN HI i K TO lor nood on Main and BOOM John's K room hr ck on 7 room town riu sture on hall and front room in Hurri At real and insurance M E. G. Bel Estate bOO LOT-MAIN 1 AND HOlB Jr FOHT O Bay AAA C. P. Brandon under Will exchange for city FOR SALE By A. fc LiOri and of Mala and AND TWO LOW ON HAL-J MAIN and alo four river In near and Ural-class river lo a J In Honi- acres one from Uie t town of ON TOWN Hudson's Bay and 1 lota In vicinity of C. P. H. on and lot on auw first class bouse on Hudson's a PROPERTIES FOR By E. Mala FOR ALK-A veneer of six on a o-foot nar Main nice A LOT ON MAIN FOR in a good A LOT ON LAURA A for sale e d leas than the bouse alone ON anil opposite the N. P. F Rial Mala 1 51 5 MULLI V 1 v Kan 1 ff A LOT P L I a Port FOR 3 CLARK street and Kennedy Fort ty FOOT FOR Loi'S ON S L w River quite near Main n. c. p. a a of consumption and other eh at Henderson J. nohh and Office and Inin hard Hours to 12 t to and 7 to 1 to Telephone MAIN a over Vitalised air and oxide caa fur painless Vear gt oxide gas for painless over Main Hours Day and A. HAH her classes In nil and water China and glaas crayon also all kinds of decorative M Donald near FOR PHOTOS Va of Ground floor Best ard cheapest place in Lite photos a Boat At ARCHITECTS 1 ROOM It of Princess and William sirs plans aad estimates Box REAL L. AND general Issuer of marriage Main Telephone MX CONTRACTORS AND I at BUILDERS AND i a I I TVr- V i AS WITH m FA VORA OR u Jury tuf o mut Ik ideas taste wry a to so till Hint o AS THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES the o Ike kaU th THE YES BT ALL wl in is rad ly ail FOR SALE Pyjamas Male nd j OX W IsolO f ua Uie liny one of noar Uxa I nun h. i on Tory etuy I of ri a OV MAIN NORTH rm t very naT and ft in a no lira and of A owing to the ae L 4 BOUT Of act of to be old Pinal I lots at low Now in iLa time lo VOX if C OK IH just the for early ami gel your choice a t l A 1 X pa only been a ti Apply to Tribune TOR BALK OK I buffalo large in for an t sort of or Apply to Main HAMS IS A and also a fruit and confectionery with good l. the On p will he for apply under F. o lH FAR Ml ON K at all with an 25 acres Also a house and nine central For Main 18 Kay's Manilla for new or old Perfectly waterproof and Old roofs male better than June I am of the sanio opinion that I was two yearn I oon eider the material v rT In every T. June My recovered with Kay's Manilla is now and has riven F. Local in every for prices ind particulars to A. T. Lowe ft for and N. W. T Kosser Box FOR room in a walk from post 71 Banna tyne OF FOR yours har hwn it In of The good Fn In in the BT and other the for per month and A poly to Stewart Una t TH i. of tho Northwest GRAND PACIFIC MARKET 1 eity centrally ha ben and refitted The Hr it with choice John GRAND UNION fitted and and with all modem Centrally and in the vicinity of th Opera unexcelled in the and under the of an Graduated Free A. J. AND M AlN T Recently refitted and refurnish accommodation for board-era or Restaurant and lunch etc day and under of with the finest and Milwaukee beer on A cull TITIAN ft W. CRAWFORD J Ban Main ColU H. Telephone ft 4 Barma tyne Main over Union G. A. W. F. ft over Winnipeg opposite the pos Frank and Areher ft BARRI Attorney Main and Market entrance I Market street ft have removed to 4 Market over Druff J. H. ft Brokers ani Room t. i a. i Nu as TU M far mJ a M aaa s all n ANTU TO A lJ al a lui W. f. Main w aad A I. OIL at for a family of to A. TO a rolier street terms at om at It TO liVOW y f la the fur is VOI girl to look after children and in wages to at one child and to assist In general housework to L. M. room a. a and to hurry tip and ret cleaned for l Wole this No euro 0 F. 40 Main In to for the Tribuna H FOR TK NORTH A rV-hool to on January stala to J. H BY A HOY A young to a situation where he can make himself useful work Box Tribune TO old fui-s and couts to A work J. H. t CO A and of several a in soma in reference can be furnished if Hoi Tribune furnished heated bv steam in the Henderson opposite Market front and bard for three In private where no other n-e kepL Central at IM Mien st. LOST OR FROM Stonewall the first a dark grav herns short Any Information regarding the will be thankfully received with a Mi Tint O tree has any of beautiful large shade trees of all which he Is te furnish through tha Winter is the lime lo big when the earth Is the Address postcard to W. Mi Fort UNION ASSO ft for collecting old anywhere In the known no charges If not oe agencies In all the ettles Toronto and Heed Adelaide rooms IX Toronto Toronto P O. A O. A. It F A L from Henry street to Donald studio has been removed to the same PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS of K and the Act and 47 f the following are entitled n practice as Land Purveyors in J. W. O. A. J. O. R. ts-Her J. H. V. Pon-n R C H. O n. M. J. U A. r. W. A. J A. Yeng P. J. W P Is H. practice of surveying In by any ether persona a. to la illegal and liable to of mil lie made amima lemil lems of The All wh th noore and will he for as Thirty or rent ct be for under thirty by n regular ad rf will have two auction of goods going at the same time tonight in his of Main md the Fruit and Oyster Depot has the only fresh lettuce In the also Bananas and WINon ft 2 McDermott Telephone I A. O. MORGAN VELVET MAIN SLIPPERS I the or mak their Ant ap-pes ran c In on th nth and at Th 6 rat night's will bs and night your reserved seats at music sail T of who know It to b th best Mood aad tonic I Have Bee a A train on the Western Near York 4 Pennsylvania railroad jumper track at miles north this city at 11 o'clock and 21 of th 38 oa board were mora nr wrack was caused by spreading of two can and a car toppling over an eight foot lass af Life Frees f a A 1 11 A has at canal bai bant and of hand-red reported to b. minister of baa to lens to superintend of TALKS THE FARMERS' Ha a Port of Caravan ilea Is that a or el should bs arran-d la and moved front plan to all rural Ina could saw lor They do not have great as not a rail a ay oar V lbs people an not allowed to go la railway at all ia eld only mean I of is a sort of I have that at is a. doubt farmers' much good to by their 1 of Ibey to b. aera juat about their wl I No doubt there is a doe field In from which to derive th kind of w. need ia ia as to th beat means to in disseminating relative Information about th In such a as to tha sort to tenant would b a mora desirable They would bring with them a little and what is of much mors a thorough of THOSE ORIGINAL NO HALF-BREED Soma Official Changes Made la Some of the Use Inspector of forwarded to Minister of Customs for legal of whiskey In state of North lu that prohibition Is to b. It by decision of the United States Federal can b sold in United in the form tf an in which it been put In order to catch patronage of souls In North an enterprising firm of in Minnesota up aa a bottle of whiskey containing or two s oas may and in this way prohibitory law is of Ottawa post been appointed postmaster in succession to D. A. hit been appointed assistant secretary of public works de It is that Key new secretary will to act a. to Sir Henc Dominion Govern received a cable from Sir Tupper stating that the pipers had tie-patches to th that there was a half-breed in A reply was contradicting rumor and giving state of TO A beat Ike Ureal The great railroad has to this aad it Is constantly assuming mora formidable Freight traffic In part of country la entirely and it Is believed that within a few the on all passenger trains will be home have already failed to make their and others are being moved very tha of that they prepared for juit inch an employees determined and vigilant Tha of three molt affected by the strike met at yesterday afternoon and resolved not to The North railroad station was totally closed to passenger traffic alter train left London at 9 o clock blockade now all way from London to All suburban In and of have been Th Dundee and Arbroath men the all between the and T The af a Faa received at the department from Lima itati that hu taken a lively In construction of th American international from United State tra verses and will unite all of Central and South In order to sureties of the Fern has sent a to commission now in of her moat distinguished si M. L All questions relative to thi colossal will b by that and there is no doubr that with earnest co-operation of government of United w. within a short great lio of road in full A BLOWS t aire During tha lenoa of gales shortly after tb eastern market street thra ing killing three horae and Injuring font Tb building was simply an roof supported by Iron with ground laa la form f a In aach dir action flora to lb centre of BE I a c r rat poo I statis that tory forward to with la aa it s that trill at p ta dignity ef to Is act aa aa it aad that that issue ia kad by party ia power as Hut liis report from stated that i not pleased with tb activity ia tha Kilkenny OYER SEVEN SAND IDLE BUSINESS IS Woeful Elects of the Rail way Strike in Gi ia no fur tb better in th fa contrary it grows hourly mors Seven hundred an new and steadily being to their generally ia Oa North rail wry both and is entirely On other roads movement of trams U of a moat People in the of this but lu an compelled to walk into all tha ordinary railway being out Coal has advanced to seven a ton and a gas lamina U Already ship fuel in great shipyards and public works it so low that f they nutt shut Strong guards an ever the and other property wherever it ia to dinger from by Such few trains a. bring moved ar manned by p THUMB SCREW AN EXILE'S Attempt to Exhort Secreta From a 24 A letter from a at Zurich that Sop a nihilist who condemned to death for being in a plot of bail been to in prison and that her heard by other who to fact i V is to been to obtain a revelation regarding other THOSE PREDATORY HOYAS DESTROY CATHOLIC MISSIONS And Wound the Priest-Protestant Was Not from under date ol November that a body of paid by Malagasy pillaged Catholic at Father was wounded while doing his ot-most to protect property of minion In addition to Ihli the attacked tha home of De and other prominent These attacks wore repelled by the of build The nit by V le I free lerr of Dutch to sign an Free to levy an Import duty of It arrived at under the Influence of which had formerly urged Holland not to in order to bring shout a in th finances ef lit Congo and It to sell out to Franc reason for ef heart Is thit Franca is not at present in a condition to bay Congo Will Hal Mis A Rom says that in reply to a of Austria by church la favor of a republican pop has replied that h will not apostolic good will from any form of government which do protection to th lo fab of Its mission on i IOB BAY Is u Eater Ike Held J ex will probably contest th mayor-ally with Mayor HOPE FOR THE A REVULSION OF In Favor of U. A no Paws i. U I. of ef It ht his B wa th criminal of the and tu that in on tUrm ment ahil 1 was d to aroused a the it ol U This ia Strang Bed by that ut f were at to tbs woman lit of th other finally to Uka view ol hae alao twee t-i faction ol lit and th that aaa tb ol a la n of wicked aad wide probable that a raw trial will U in that case it is u ol late trial will be reeled THE PRESS CN WHAT IS SAID ABOUT DEFEAT How Do Himself-The Next Move-McCarthy Dec McCarthy arrived here Regarding in Kilkenny he its character being ac by th fact that Scully at least from to making th total strength only en of th total McCarthy said h believed th defeat of would lit as th of disorganizing and would Indue who wavering to com out against rim u it that has ground for th he th election been h-ld in town ol It Is not au atom of doubt that h. would got an helming Many who would otherwise supported doubtless by tb As lung aa It is a of to who THE M B The ret irn of arch tj party joy to an I Michael Davitt aad his Irlandi having so correctly gauged party In th patter believes they gauged it aa regards II will soon bs WHIT THE The says It remains to be teen how om hold together without and the gentlemen who find la dully by Scully has petition praying that a sU id b nut to Sir John Tup th of th anti Scully's petition is baaed upon the allegation that brought to bear by upon illiterate voters of complaint is of action of in connection with canvass of Castle during which and his are alleged to been by a mob led by will bring suit for libels contained la speeches mod by latter during th juat I. The assert thai Kilkenny resulted io a victory for and Insist that had th clergy kept hand off outcome of struggle would been vary HOW Dt greeted by i frien lly at many places along on hit journey to this city from hll- Kenny At several ha a declaring that h. did not feel tied over result of There was no fur election not a fair Hit friends had been prevented from voting at where thirteen hundred had voted blindly At a meeting ef Nationalist committee to Murphy of that nell had disregarded TO Wat-Una It i. understood that at tha coming in Fail th question will arii of th disposition of now locked from tit uses of th national and an will b mad to arrive at as I disposition of I AHE I In a statement hut I Sir that th party continued In Its attitude toward that It firmly to a cf rul which meant to Ireland as a w. A Bad Th ihl collided with ship Ta- Calcutta for Twenty-two of tb crew and tea of th British ship Well llev j Jamea ol died this morns Hi had aa about tea Hi wm aged i