C TIIE WINNIPEG DAILY SATURDAY NOVEMBER OCR EDUCATIONAL DOCTOR Book for Children Ikan I. x t M I ha pud kun to Ua aJ ia U bt oa 1 ban Ik oi it Ma ol nUli 14 aai hart U II l-r Ami U LiLiU li H far b tit bat fina u ft ft lit kaa la U in ia in to ta ft j ff lot training of bit t that tea kaa mi our w our aad f auf aaa oar Our ai est tad Mr aa 1 to actor at akal aLua la oum Jl tala u maa to to ina ta ta ol all b Ml tj private Oar la M Iron bid cooking M farm lX Our aad at muck aa ol a ol y lot osa and lor aa it 11 u by til bara tha but lt it ba Lit m bar lor ox aa tha doctor lei ea k haul b what ft It k Km tit ol thia nl learning hit tha ut lla them Into room and Ua at lw will taa a atu ll ol ural nito ha and into fit lu and art li-lu j p jud and finally Into tha kitchen kuh and art tha moat approved tha hta ft will nut it theory that tut lUto ft ur ol iti citi but wa ftak kin il ha It that all lit with tha II where will he draw tha line Why ke liart Lit to art em or wo to lot dm tor a ad tuat lit that ia do training lur that there la tuch are al io at the who up the wot and who art now tiia work Nor it it that Toronto hat now ft ol ia It to lu laying we not Hit-Bating tho l' ft chair In it We however thit country at In line ol teacher-training la a more equipped It la our primary t ate our aud mutt be provided for hen It baa been made for every in tho before entering e to have of we cf ft What sur brat clan and evon cli ge moat nerd to la ft thorough knowledge of fundamental ol more in ol competent Many of our are rendered by having beard more than can pot into A U ft e The doctor have taid the of the hUh anil the primary haa wo cannot linw ont who ao ol that the doctor aa he A pyramid to lie when tue of which it it are too Why dealt oy unity of our ayat-m The primary aud the a hool are bot doctor would have all higher control ltd by a faculty the ol Why not have the pt and controlled by a of trustees Surely there ia aa cloae relation between high and primary at aud Anyone the nuat admit that he hat laid tome good and laid but It it evident he hat been advocating and pre rather than wt require it cue t j our We are out yet ready for A grow with the the doctor anything more to hit we would he the Why have we a la it to If in how many lima It extend iti work ft new country the taint ai a that hat been for Two wt a partial lint of a lor a Tha work were and To day we add in adventure and World ol Andrewt Seri-a Little and Kach aud What Darwin Saw In Ship Wilier My School Wood H omi t Without Journey lo Around tho World ia the in the Irving of a Ho W. H. and i Al Little Women K aud Ilia Di foe- eta All t A n in Snow J. Lord J is mm i ret ie i tacit jum rr th la U Mix 1 ba W Th SitUa Kamily Til grim Tea 1 Tle H a ilc Wor li I Ui-vl w r Uk U i i mb th tm it to as J tt a to it by Never to ty f of by tn their al tf til bt M aa tha other io th lD 1 belita lb n oat teaching tf etia a inuit pro an tip to riM aa to ahat it aid whal i and a dup to ua wron and aSuma who thua Ir aay that theta i of aad aay ba a d by cr af in fa baaed aa luch of aa may to Id tha y of a will appear from tha by a tl at under pla a chil l bave to be an in a complete cm i an of iu right Ury tracking will nor u. it ia tum and it ia ui rp tiring rather than warding it It to take on a pero ch and tuu bu e ti in iti Ua the uth r baaed 00 pul of conduct c g In a- In or in ia not on the not thua it would Uil to cover the it nn lo it that character and c n are matter a rather the final aim of work In the city hava to find fault with tha Oi 1 wo that people h never the to ao f ir th ia always tha The who any know the Aa a f f tho ia every The air in tits ie always aud thia lie lAid of tha 1 1 d by or bv The p-nt in thin could not hae botter The nl aa wall aa the well b-ng of tha ba I to tho the I noticed that In a rom in ordinary way for that I and Thia did n it ia the nl by the bowd The in thone to remain that it la much to aud to command new haa bren They art ready alio to testify to the effort of the It ia evident are chroma or that they have ti When the aa much trouble aa the little furnace in quo ot tho ward it wiil be time tu For Late American Finest stock in the city to choose Big Reduction in j We are giving Straight Wholesale Prices to Cash You should see our New Grecian Cottage Dining Largest Upholstering Trade in the Kor alck unc and Tory are a aure S M t T to i-i. 1 V p from J i n ii i I en l I in li I. in i r. y I um M. l li fin I In J In the Queen's IN twenty-second THE I Ill 1 W N Mr Dor aid Alexander an n Hdward C. John M. Alfred and John under the will and of tin of tin it of hihI U in thai Hie th four Uie oi A. I. or demur Lilt of iu lh a A. To Kf M of Take until e it yoi do not or tu to the tinier Uh an order to take I he lull you and the court auch relief he may bo entitled to mi hn own w and you n fun not it of the future in Your In t d at p if Clerk l and in the t i r y of fe 1 s u n n n c E General Insurance tin Fallowing n-NA Conn M Conn Loudon aud AN Toronto Brooklyn for lince Tar cure bronchitis r cold and all ot t he client and For hf nil dr si 9 1 per bo of bj mull to any of N. V. h u d. I JO u ntH North- en and r U 1 DAILY j GRAND WINTER S 1 1 MANITOBA QUEBEC m GOOD FOR 90 days- 90 18 ta via The Only Dining Car line from Manitoba to in via and Linear a ibe gu CHOICE OF STOP-OVER fl IU jU II IU-IU FOR ROUND Pullman Tourist i Winnipeg to without 2 m K 1 12 An of time at destination on of additional All bonded through to No car accommodation em applying at H. J. Main F. H. I I and 1 S 3 for Wright ft 3 M nil t i j of Scotch tiaia- f H pled and drawing at U h Block St 5 St I ta or if Bol bu-omo and taa prove but forerunner of Tery r are fr im to on tha and to off all humor aud and h-althy action to bd io wind on aro tut of abort ura ey it rilla la earn r t tor Kellock's Iron Pills Ft it tOLa to tha ii em and linn the debilitated of both 1 hey do n t and a hires r of iron to blood any fona i f ti per aA br ROSS En NEW V A large assortment of the latest great designs in China variety cf Table with hand- y some Artistic 7 Metal Fine Tete-a-tete n i Brass y y In stock just a nano X assortment of Prices X V China and very X low x e are CLOTHING AND In order to reduce our we have made a bl cut In prices for the coming 30 Our stork U Thone In want of anything in our line can save to t pr by on on Wa have a line of and Children's Suits to from in Wor-ted Wont of tin all and I nr of cannot m ia or of W or Irit-h Kritz in iVr Cull and examine our and be Seeing U We have the stock Lu the J. PHOENIX AND MAIN SKATES Every In Silver and Gold Straps and parts for T. SS- COAL WOOD Finest Pennsylvania and Poplar Good and D. W OAK AND IT Before ordering ak for our J. Hargrave h. Iain Sailings ITT From From o. Krom j I. I I do flo do i 1 V booked by the all other Hoes tho at Uie lowest Fare ocean tickets from lift ells at very and are d-n d Ui rough to Hound trip at reduced and are for t velve j Berths on any of charge j to your friends out i from any a j Andy f ir rates of fu-e and full from ALLSOPP'S 1 ALE f IS For Pale by all Principal in BOTTLED RV i MAIN TARTAR CONTAINS NO m. CAm irr of and Manual him for Chim I t aad ete ot the kind in W r ern f Special Inducements to Intending can aava money by our priced and Call and ex tf Main I TO LET TWO VERY DESIRABLE POSSESSION AT LOW WARM AND WELL APPLY TO j. MAIN FOR Boys' Own 50 Girls' Own Leisure Hours Sunday at Atlanta Chatterbox Little Wide-Awake Children's Eriend 65 Infants' Magazine 65 British Workman 65 Judt to Hand No MAIN The very FOR TEE LEAST If You Want a Good Winter Jacket Mantle or Stylish Drees Woollen Woollen a Flannel TO 1 MAIN Nii Mi 1 A very gentleman that wom arc moro economical than and when thrown on their own resources and r will a little out of a small Income where a man would give up or corn-mit H minimis who bare inch wives a on We are every day the man with a comparatively email income throw away tome article o clothing ball or faded which could be re dyed and made to k now amin t a omen iu the in life will a to and re color it with a coat of tn it Wok new and to Jay in thia way tuve their many dollars every tyoa have found a place io of homes iu the aud have invariably given wherever Ladies who have used for years declare they would no other at any Some have tried inferior pack A's dyes from and have thrown aa aud al i. 1 1 n fa merit to nj ia ao by I w of o i 1 u-r and ir vt irr 1 md c. 4 n-t elt Kp u ii Ur niao-i n ail 1 it e of U tie th-y ae fn a day P. ri u nr t muk n hi-a it wt and TO I M. 1 he In in letter are a Aren't Kc am Irr Toilet lUu riser for i Aini-r a for moth W. mi tay ou nut tl M-a not fm-e Ine in tho t Thi y ire n for ulu in C at Now York If you doi n-jt k cp the Iet him or-dir lor or r j from her of the of the Manufacturing l ST and and U For attic In at our X-w York