i march T WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE WINNIPEG CHURCH NEWS IS SKETCH OF SERMON PREACHED BY MAJOR GORDON Premium by tho Impartial of hii with tin- Northwest Mounted Steele to ill if Unit famous and la a of h his-t f i r It waa duo tin tn mi i like Steele that ah horrors ot an Indian only w In difficult time of proved 11 unil J nut hello of anil It I all western civilian n t il i aa well in hr held In all who came into j lowest touch w r. h wonder I hat when the war broke men I i nf to i Colonel Steele In that 1 cavalry corps named Strut Nor are we sui t hat I I I Ills In that war was sueh as' to win the confidence and ami I tion of his In honor and lint also of who erv-cl under Service Wat Ready when this war fell upon the Steele I d came to thin country command of Uio Second Canadian Uy reason of an accident that befell him at the of I from the effects of i which h never fully Steele was denied the privilege of on the Tina tn In in a bitter but like the soldier hu lie con- to end of Ins life to i his of administration and organization to th of his as i. of the dt- j and in that he if it may lx truly said that j he gave his life for his country and j his country's And after what Kit r than his life a man ami nobler I an he do with his lite than it freely H that his life small lose he that losel h life shall save For life is like a of living dammed in its it becomes and but free it js kept swi-et and I res 1 1 and The life saved I'm itself and for selfish ends prows foul and the life for things better ia frish and are vet too noar the war to fuel and but its its but the day 1 is it ts even now ri tr upon us when we shall the and splendid qualities that lay in the hearts of men and the glory of their the year of the near where our allien held the line overwhelming enemy the battlefield wius left a tortured land of shell holes and which men wild would lie a barren waste for a to A year and a half later o cane to that same and found the of shell holes with soft the lips of those blood-stained with Mowers of varied and even the rusty harped wire f was with festoons of morning tor Nature abhorring the hideous deformity of hex lovely made haste to cover from sight with the soft and varied beauty of and fair So will it be with Today U I feels only the and 1 the and tears of today 1 fe Is chiefly the sore 1 of her life by the loss of I of her brave but I the day is is near at II when Canada will see the II splendor of the sacrifices offered iy 11 her dead in Flanders and in II and the eternal worth of the II things they died to In her own II broad acres Canada possesses many II a store of wealth but ri II more previous than are the Irea-l she holds tn that 1 1 where her sons lie In Flanders and m j i lor there sue koes Treasures which neither nor rust can And that treasure ions will draw Inspiration to noble deeds and to patient L Fredom it Won i 1 ss than fifty years ajro that i of American In desperate conflict and at bitter won their freedom from a German on a Today a hundred millions of looking hack through the per-j of ss only the of their and the eternal of that they purchased with their Today million Canadians mourn the loss of their poured out their lives In this cruel but tho day is coram- and your children's children will foo lt when a hundred Canadians will their imperishable who on the of the world's of lives at Thus because they live for ever in the hearts of their fellow country-nu have our dead won their 1 stood by rows of open and down upon those silent figures wrapped in grey my comrades and my spoke the In thy I my faith for even tut I death's in my own In tho heart of many a lad who stood me down upon his The were too near and too too Hut even at this short distance of time and my faith comes back to and reverently hut with triumphant thank 1 can where is thy and my comrades who have looked Into his cold know how true this is thy Not in the hearts of those who sleep under the little crosses for they have met death Not in our hearts who loved for already we know that death's Is In the hearts of their countrymen they live for that pale flag of death has torn from his eold ami over our sacred dead there waves the eternal banner who was and Is alive for e or so will it be with him whom ve honor Canada will not his sacrifice and his To who sleep It In one glorious in one splendid act to make offering of their lives for the greatest cause for which niem have To him this gift was It was his long toilsome years to make complete the offering of his Hut none- the less will he bo anil today wo are glad to think that he had this joy of being one of that noble company of who in the hour of the world's i greatest and for humanity's I highest were privileged to give their where is thy Not only are our dead Immortal they live for ever in the hearts of their fellow but they are immortal for that they have gone to in the early dawn of a sweet May morning from our tour in the In the bloody Ypres we were halted by the when up from our very feet then-rose a lark way towards long our eves this tiny rising in fluttering spirals aa it mounted toward and long after we lost It hi the pearl-grey of the morning its song came falling down to us like silver bringing Its own balm to torn hearts and jangling Fainter and fainter grew the music till I was and it seemed as if the I heavenly songster had gone to So from these dark scenes of pain and it seems to me that ami gallant flew upward through the grey sky singing their brave song of victory over death and the grave singing their way to whose fons they will keep them safe for for we are shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more neither sorrow nor neither shall there be any more happy no bitter or regretful tears may fall for For that you have come to immortal heritage in the paradise yf where is thy grant that we to whom is given still to live our days in the sometimes dull routine of 1 1 so give ourselves to the service man and Cod that at the I may he aide with some confidence I i and humble to say to the last i j where ts and joining tho noble army of our Immortal dead may be forever with the IS CANADA is free religion any future In the Canadian Is Canada ripe for those changes which are inevitable In the Is Canada prepared to welcome the new church of These some om the Horace has been asking himself Or Winnipeg spiritually sterile and content with the camouflage of liberal religion so current These pertinent questions underlie the sermon he has chosen for Sunday in All Souls' church on Passing of Coming of the New Faith the New Catholicism Which Shall Supplant the This will be one of the last sermons will preach ere he leaves for 1 A Mothers O'er the Always Keep at Children think They are Mild Cathartic Contain nothing to Wort like a J of harsh the bile and con ti pit inn poison from l uster oil or dangerous why the without griping and sweeten you keep handy for the the child's little Any childr-nT can always be dc- ster will gladly est a candy at upon when a and night and will wAe up feeling cleansing it sary hey on each 10 cent I i i THE DAYS OF RECONSTRUCTION FOR ALL THIN PEOPLE This is the Season When it is Most Necessary to Tone Up the System and Build Up the Blood and Applied to the expression means a condition in which or of the bodily functions are This is a condition which only too frequently follows the long indoor months of winter when people live and work in imperfectly-ventilated offices and If you find yourself at this season easily tired by slight you need a f the appetite is poor or the digestion the nerves shaky or if you are pale and easily winter has left mark upon Xo particular organ being you must look for relief to the It is only by enriching and toning up the blood that you can regain what you have lost during the past winter and at the same time put yourself in shape to stand the trying heat of To build up the tone and strengthen the increase the appetite and vigorous strength to weakened there is no equal Williams' Pink These pills actually make red which will make you feel eat sleep and work more If you are in need K of a and most people are at this Williams' Pink Pills will not disappoint COULD HARDLY WALK J. years ago I suffered greatly from anaemia and as I did not realize the seriousness of the trouble I soon became a complete I got so weak I could hardly I neither ate nor slept and could not go upstairs without stopping to At times I had an almost unbearable pain In my back would have to remain in I suffered almost constantly from a dull and when sweeping If I would stoop to pick up anything I would get so dizzy that I would have to catch hold of something to keep from My eyes were sunken and my hands and limbs would he swollen In the I tried several kinds of medicine without benefit and my friends thought I would not Then I began taking Williams' Pink and before long could see and feel that they were helping I gladly continued the use of the pills until I was completely cured and I cannot say enough In their praise and I strongly recommend them to all run down girls and SOME GOOD ADVICE Alice Amherst have received much benefit the use of Williams' and would advise all who need a medicine for a run down system to make use cf In my own case I have found the pills do till you chum for and shall have a good word to for this RUN DOWN AND NERVOUS B. Heaver was run down and awfully The slightest would startle and annoy I suffered pains around tho heart every particle of color left my face and I always felt and poorly at I was so poorly that my friends thought I would not I tried many medicines but they did not help Then I read of Williams' rink Tills and decided to drop all other medicine find try It was fortunate I did for In the course of a few weeks I found them helping I continued taking the pills for some weeks longer and they completely cured I earnestly advise every weak woman and girl to give Williams' Pink Pills a fair and I am sure they will not be AFTER THE GRIPPE RIL an attack of grippe I as left very weak and My appetite was I suffered from my kin was sallow and two bolls broke I began taking Williams' and had only used a few boxes when I felt as well as They drove all the impurities from my gave me a good and I have enjoyed the host of I can recommend the pills to anyone suffering from impure blood or skin STOMACH TROUBLE James R.R. B suffered great- i ly from stomach which was j accompanied by severe pains In the j side and around the At times II I was so bad that I vomited every- i thing I and even the medicine I the doctor gave I grew weaker every day and would frequently have El to lie and as tho doctor was 8 not helping me I waa about fi Then I saw Williams' rink Tills advertised to cure the trouble P and decided to try In a few weeks the pain had left and I could K eat a I continued until I had used six boxes when I felt myself p fully In fact my friends tell jp me I am a living as A to what Williams' link can A I A SERIOUS CONDITION I Wilfrid West Ham- I began the use of Williams' Pink Pills 3 I was in a serious I was a not only run but y nerves seemed to be completely shat- i I slept badly at and y got up in the morning tired us when 4 1 went to I seemed to be the f- verge of a nervous At m this stage I began the use of k Williams' Pink In tho course 6 of n few weeks I felt much and W continuing the use of the pills they nt completely restored my I S can now sleep eat and U nm enjoying complete freedom from i the old nervous 3 Do not be persuaded to take a that the full trade mark 1 Williams' Pink Pills fur Pale printed on the wrapper around the p If you cannot these through your dealer they will be sent bv mail at oO i cents a or six for by The Williams' 6 5 BE W inn w ii the Brush I EM is as essential Why as quality of ile BEFORE you start to paint remember it's tho finish that Don't risk spoiling the job by using a poor brush being tron t t return the cost of your Steel Grip Rubber Set BRUSHES and obtain perfect finish paint The Bristles on a Boeckh's Brush are in to stay they cannot come neither will they break off end blotches or surface art backed by 60 la I 3 1 sad are told I f The boeckh Ontario O European Plan STOP A ND THINK Is it safe to sleep in a hotel SMITH STREET is not s- is Near Portage Avenue Rates from to C. M. Manager per day J 9 I 5 i 4 U O JT hi u Alex I h Conducts the I il In THE f i DIVINE AVERS CONGREGATIONS COULD ALL WORSHIP TOGETHER d ceded by many and Impulses If It Is to have any permanent It la not mechanical but It must he a unity built upon the foundation of and Jesus Christ himself the chief It must be rooted and grounded in love and loyally for It must be a unity of the spirit In tho bond of Hut It be too clearly understood that union can only be fully realized through community of faith and above all other common participation In the This by no Implies a dead but It would be compatible with a rich diversity In life and as to I What Hinden Reunion j What It now that divides the churches and hinders We reply that It Is largely a not of but of order or church Thank that In the realm of faith there Is little that need us serious or keep us On the great fundamental verities of our holy at least the and among the evangelical Into which American Christianity Is there Is substantial When we come to the question of order or church there broadly two outstanding the episcopal anil non-episcopal In the episcopal form of church the authority to ordain or set ministers Is committed to the In the the ordaining power Is In the hands of the or other authorized In each of these forms of church government the did our minister get to be a if It should bo asked at allis susceptibly of an easy It Is evident that this question Is regarded by group as and that no organic union worthy of the name can ever he reached until all agree to accept heartily some one ordaining authority or form of church In view of the great perils which threaten the very lite of our common Christianity bv reason of our many each group should be ready with an open mind to consider how thee various sources of authority to ordain can be For here is the crux of whole Reconciliation cannot be brought about by way of any compromise which is nt the cost of sacrifice of conscientious or by the surrender of any cherished Nor can It be achieved by asking any to repudiate or disown its but only by adopting some plan whereby each church may have the privilege ot contributing of the wealth distinctive of each to the common enrichment of the united and not by way of grudging but of hearty and grateful acceptance of some tried basis upon which Christian liberty sin be reconciled with Division in It Is not only at home that wn l are beginning to realize with sorrow jand alarm the disastrous effects of a divided In our mission fields abroad we are constantly wit-J how the name cause is par- our efforts to convert the na-i five populations in men i for Japan and Kven whore a considerate Christian comity leads to a division of territory each church confining its operations within limits previously agreed on confusion weakness mr missionaries in lands are appealing to ua path-j to get together at home that we may offer the distracted natives a church wilh a united front which can appeal with dignity and authority to their To such an extent has this become that in the judgment of our missionary lenders the most im-j and irresistible plea for christian unity Is now coming from foreign beyond the A third reassuring as we think of organic is that more and more the churches are being led to sie that many of the groups into which our Christianity is divided are not only but As a nf-sult of this happy a of churches w have hitherto maintained a separate existence are uniting with those of like policy and This has occurred In the rase of certain Methodist and Lutheran and there is hopeful promise that still further unifying will be These and other indications would to point to the conclusion that we are rapidly if indeed we have not actually the psychological moment when one church uniting in one visible body the various groups now apart should emerge to the there is abundant evidence that through the operation of the Holy the temir ami spirit of our time have Hut just because there is such eager desire for some kind of there Is great danger that churches may commit the fatal mistake of adopting some form of mere instead of securing a genuine and vital organic To be with any system of working while retaining the autonomy of existing and independent would be to delude ourselves with a lal and temporary It would be a unity like that of a rope of No kind of short Meal for which our blessed prayed is worthy of any serious Are Three Principles The three principle of any possibility of re-union are That continuity with the episcopate should be effectively That in order that the rights and responsibilities of the whole an community in the government of the church may be adequately the episcopate should re-assume a constitutional both as regards the method of the election of a as by clergy and and the method of government after It is perhaps necessary that we should call to mind that such was the primitive idea and practice of and it so remains in many episcopal communities That acceptance of the fact of and not any theory as to its should be all that is asked We hink that this may be the more easily taken for as the acceptance of any such theory is not now required of min ter of th Church of It would no doubt be before any arrangement for corporate re union could be to discuss the exact functions which it may be agreed to recognize as belonging to the but we think this can be left to the The acceptance of the fact of the on these terms should not involve any Christian communion in the necessity of its but should enable ail to maintain the continuity of their witness and influence as heirs and trustees of types of Christian life and not only of value to but of value to the church as a Accordingly they hope and desire that each of these communions will bring its own distinctive not only to the common life of the church but also to the methods of and that all that is true in the experience and testimony of the uniting communions would be conserved to the As the overwhelming majority of the Christian world is now practicing and has done go from apostolic tho great and communions with their many millions of there Is clearly no possibility of any reunion of Christendom If abandon that historical centre and of unity the It may be said by some that the hope of any such changes ever taking place In of unity which will cut off these great Roman as may justify uny re-union with is very Hut we should for our that far greater revolutions have actually taken place In human history within the last few As to the attitude of the or Moly orthodox church toward the question of wc are glad to state that it has been kindly and We think It will be by all that It American Christians to adopt no plan of unity will cut off these historical bodies from nil consideration In any proposed scheme Plan of Reunion plan of reunion ns worked In as referred to above be far easier for us in America to accept than over In thov have all the prejudices and traditional animosities and suspicions of a state church to while here there is nothing of kind to hinder We need not add that this plan does not contemplate the bringing over of any church to another communion already still less the surrender of any essential truth now held by another It simply proposes the bringing together on a well-tried historical basis those of us now In the matter of organic Questions of form and of prayer book and of vestments and or their are not regarded as vital and may well bo left to the free choice of the constituent This plan is so comprehensive and statesmanlike and so In harmony with the of the church's when as yet it was that within Its yet provisions and would not only be at home but could feel that on of them had contributed of its own to make It and that the new church la surely coming will also he an en initial part mid In historic continuity the old church which we are promised Unit the gatos of hell shall not The result that so great nn achievement will curry in its are such as to fill our hearts w ith enthusiasm and fire them with a fervent of a regenerated Such as a of once would concern Itself with all the fundamental of It would touch and mold human society In Its every phase and If you in every community a unified group of valued leaders devoted to the commercial and political elevation of the See nil cruel class distinctions with their attendant and strife See the conscience of aroused to a new of for all the helpless lives now bound with unremitting and the resolute demand that they shall a more equitable share of the comforts they have j ed to It will be a day of moral recovery spiritual Why not America lead in this n net such an aim worthy of the effort of evert- devoted Christian and lover of Americans Invited to Mai-viand Church Americans residing In Winnipeg are Invited to hear J. K Hatty ut Maryland Methodist church Sunday when he will preach on Roosevelt's Contribution to Thomas Neville will preach In the Hatty's sermon Is one of a series which he will preach on Sunday Other topics March 1511 a.m. In relation to Ourselves 7 p.m. Can the Rule He to Our Middleton to Speak at Church F. C. will take the services at Young church Sunday owing to the illness of the His subject In the morning is Aristocracy of which wIM he an appeal to young people to place Importance on strength of rather on birth or His evening subject is j Christ and Human All must travel the way of sacrifice and AT FIRST BAPTIST V. W. announces two important subjects for the First Baptist church services Morning Croat Task and the Croat Christ We Know In AT LABOR CHURCH There in one church in Winnipeg that turns away crowds every Sup-day This Pi Tho preacher will Seak on Sunday right at the Columbia theatre on the Canada's Laidlaw's Topic U. S. will have chargo of both services in Knox church next The services will direct bearing upon the great Forward Movement of the church In The morning subject will be and In the Strange In the at 3 there will be an open session of the Sunday when for twenty years missionary to the will an as well as children are urged to be preterit at this distinctive on Life will preach h sermon In Central Congregational church Sunday when the will attend the church In a Stauffer will preach on and also address the on the life of W. W. former loader of tho Loyal of AT ST. MATTHEW'S At St. Matthew's church Sunday morning there will be corporate communion for the women of the parish under the of Woman's Canon will pp-aeh the of a course of sermons on Sinless Man Amongst Sinful dealing with the subject of and In the evening he will begin his course of sermons on In the Story of the Cross the Lamb of I in Westminster church on Sunday morning Principal dandier will anil at the evening to be conducted by Councillor of Sea-men's and Firemen's will speak on In addition to his patriotic Wright has had remarkable success In and reform In the old Adds Gift to Alimony SAN FRANCISCO When James and his former Fayette parted In San Francisco the other day after she boon granted a divorce he hani-ed her a letter of credit lis a The court in awarding her a already had given her of Alison's have been a good girl and we will always be the best of said the well-groom ed estimated to bo worth nearly married the pretty actress a year ago the wishes of his Their romance was less roseate than he had but he they never quarrelled In the common pense of the was just an unwise ami unfortunate he Soon after the divorce was granted the pair boarded separate trains for the Alison going to Florida j the girl to Kansas 1 You can mend your granite by pressing putty well into the Smooth It down set the vessel Into a hot oven until the putty Is Ferocious Jellyfish Stings Politicians PALM Both former Ambassador James W. and Otto whoso house guest he were set by Jellyfish while bathing anil ran from the surf with grout Seed to the where at- applied curatives In the form of a cooling lotion that gradually tools the smart said he recognized the fish as being of German origin and very stealthy In its Il somehow made Its way Inside his bathing suit without being announced at all and quietly began to Jel- i the here ami sting usually picking out there are exceptions to the an a prominent wius stung here lust Forwards Own Cross to Clemenceau An unnamed It Is has s. it Premier his War trill's with the following have not given the Croix do Hero is hearing only two You merit two Is reported to hav wept when he read the