Exterior—The stucco is fine, but redoing the windows will probably mean painting the frames, and that will probably lead to staining and painting elements of the exterior. We’re going to take paint chips from the windows and find out what the original colors were-—there have been quite a few coats of paint applied. We want to know this so we can match the color of the aluminum in the restaurant—it will be a period piece visually, but technically modern.
Installing two new boilers, and isolate the gallery system from the restaurant. The gallery has to have filtration and humidity, and we don’t want to mix in restaurant air.
Will be applying for a museum category, which means we have to meet certain mechanical, electrical, electrical and architectural criteria..
Restaurant—We had three very good submissions, but the successful one was from Heinz and Johanna Kattenfeld, who are highly regarded Winnipeg restauranteurs. They’re working now with kitchen designers. Once that design is finished, we can complete the mechanicals. They’re developing a menu favorable to seniors, and prices will be affordable. Plus there will be a small take out window, for high-quality, affordable picnic food. Something for every pocketbook. A portion of the restaurant and a small bar will be inside. There are private meeting and dining areas on the main floor and balcony.
Construction is in the preliminary stages; restaurant foundations will be placed at end of March; completion and opening planned for July 1.
The building is an old friend.
Timetable-—schcedule shows substantial completion by July 1, but a lot of things have to be done in the meantime. Whether art will be in and displayed isn’t known.
BANDSHELL—Plans are in not as much detail, but user groups (RWB, WSO, musicians, technicians, TV) have been contacted to see what they need. We want to create a venue-—it adds to the synergy of the site. The desgin will be complementary to the Pavilion. Bandshell will be big enough for a symphony, and will have change areas, and backstage space for the RWB and theatre groups. We’re thinking about changing landscape elevations
to create better sight lines.